Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

oh what a tangled web...

this website, techno stuff. Don't get me wrong. My new website is absolutely stunning (check it out at www.susanekberg.com). I wanted a fresh look, incorporating what's important in my life - health, nutrition, current events, events in the community, recipes, and my own work and services. It's all such fun - typing in recipes, doing my blog, typing the events and news items. But I still wonder where it's all leading. I'm heading in four different directions right now, and I don't think I can do ALL of them, but I just don't know ... yet. So I keep doing the work, trusting that I'll know what to do when the time comes. At least I'm glad that this current energy thing has lifted, or that we've walked through it. It was intense! I've heard from a good friend that her husband has liver cancer, and another is leaving her husband, and another is moving from the state, and this is just this past week. Changes changes everywhere and not a stable moment anywhere, it seems. But it's okay, really. It's just that I'm craving sugar, well, mostly chocolate, but at least I'm walking every day, but I notice this phenomenon, and I wonder what it means - is it because the weather is turning, and I find comfort in chocolate? Well, duh, but besides that, what IS it? Lack of sunshine? Lack of forward movement, even though it's slow? I know Steve feels the same way, okay, almost everyone I know feels the same way, so we're in this together, but it still sucks sometimes. But again, it's all good - I know I'll be just fine, just like I know you'll be just fine. I think if I didn't have my work, I'd be a hurting unit. Because when I'm working, and in that beautiful peaceful still place, I KNOW. The trick is to remember that I'm always in that place, even when I'm NOT working - that's the trick. So tonight I take deep breaths, watch iCarly goes to Japan with Bill, then travel west to Dad's until Wednesday. Fun times, good times, family times. I'll try not to worry about anything, or plan anything, or think beyond this next moment. But sometimes that's hard to do - I just like to KNOW, you know?

But at least the website's up and running. Baby steps, baby steps. Today, my website, tomorrow, that project, or maybe that other thing that's in the works, then all of my writing projects and nutrition program. On and on and on. Maybe I'll just drink my green tea and watch "Ugly Betty."

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