Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Full Head and Rumblings

Woke up this morning almost toppling over. Wow, was I dizzy. It almost feels like the earth has shifted under me and I can't get my sea legs. In the channeling group yesterday I was given the information that we are moving from a linear movement to a wavelike movement, like the ocean, and the reason we're all feeling queasy in our stomachs lately is because we're seasick, and are getting our sea legs. That makes a lot of sense to me, but along with the ear fullness and popping, I feel like I'm on an airplane as well, which would also make sense as we're going to higher and higher levels, just like on an airplane.

I've been thinking a lot about liver issues that are up for everyone, it seems, and I wonder if it's true that we're in a state of perpetual detox for the planet and others who haven't started on this awakening journey yet. I don't think we can detox FOR anyone, as they have to do it for themselves. It's their bodies, and whatever they do to their bodies that's unhealthy for them, they'll have to clear up. But it DOES make sense that those of us who are doing this journey consciously may be helping the earth detox from all the poisons she's gotten over the last millenia or so. So, I continue to drink a gallon of purified water a day, with some lemon in it, eat a lot of vegetables and a good dose of organic protein, and limit my complex carbs - NO sugar or white anything (except cauliflower). I stretch every morning and walk at least 10,000 steps each day (okay, not EVERY single day, but almost). De-stress (right, like stress could ever totally go away when you've got 2 teenage boys and a 7 year old and 21 year old daughter), and take good time every day to be happy and centered. Any thoughts on liver issues? Let me know - I'm really curious. Kidney issues are up, as well, but it's moved into the liver, it seems.

The Divine Goddesses gathered last night, 27 strong. It was a small group, but very powerful. The Goddesses are friends from all areas of my life, and women that I think should know each other. Kim drove in from the lake, not knowing anyone, Karman and Tara came - my sweet and talented artist friends. Deb - my fabulous blues singer and caterer; Barb and Cindy - my new fitness center owner friends; Donna - one of the original Goddesses from 2000; Christeen - my original spiritual mentor, fresh up from Arizona. And the list goes on. Gather gather - connect, support, and laugh. Make new friends, we're not alone, and gathering is a good way to remember that. Karman's making us all goddess necklaces, and Donna's coordinating the Goddesses to run in the Fargo Marathon next year (yeah, like I'll run with a glass of sparkling water and a tiara on my head in the 5K, maybe - 26 miles? Goddesses don't do that - they have others run FOR them, I think).

Today is clients and lining up my big event in Minneapolis - I'm placing big ads in the Edge Life, which will cost money, but you've got to spend money to make money, do you think? I need to find a conference room in Edina somewhere - someplace centrally located. I need an assistant, so I intend to manifest one very soon. Until tomorrow, I contemplate what pushes my buttons, as well as what I think I'm doing or thinking that's holding me back in my life. The clouds are out, it's muggy, but my heart is happy and peaceful.

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