Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Washing it all away ...

The rain came down so wet my clothes and body were totally soaked. I ran out to the patio to attach some buckets to the downspouts to catch some beautiful rainwater. They say it's better for your plants - no chlorine from tap water. I quickly found some plant pots with no plants in them yet, so they got filled. I feel full of potential for my sweet little plants. I noticed the sky clearing, then clouding, then clearing, in cycles of at least 6 today. Everyone seems more emotional than usual, with an edge - almost as if we've been keeping ourselves in these boxes of niceness and settling, only to have our true Selves come to the forefront, insisting that we be ourselves. Is that such a bad thing? It can feel like that - I'm feeling it, Melissa's feeling it, Monika's feeling it.

I cried this afternoon, off and on, like the rain. Aunt Dort called Mom and Dad at 12:30 last night to tell them Uncle Carl died. Carl was Dad's oldest brother. Dad didn't have his hearing aid in, so couldn't tell who was calling, or who had died. It was horrible, he said. How like life, I thought later - to be getting these messages about incredible change, and not even fully understand where they're coming from, or who's affected. I'll try to get to his funeral in Iowa.

There are 44 chapters in my book "Oneness," so I'm going to read a chapter a day for the next 3 odd weeks, and post my findings every day. Heck, it may save you the hassle of finding the book, then plodding through its dense theories. It's SO worth it, but I think you've really got to concentrate, because there's just so much. I just finished Chapter 17 (for about the 10th time - Chapter 17 is really powerful).

Oneness - Chapter 17 - Diet for a new reality. Maintaining wellness under conditions of accelerated vibration. The significance of energy work. The concept of cellular purification.

The reason I love Chapter 17 so much is that I've been working with these concepts for almost a year now, before I even read this book. Here's the first sentence (see if you can relate): "The higher levels of energy integration, of which you have had a small taste, will produce varying degrees of discomfort and symptoms in certain individuals that could be misinterpreted as illness." She goes on to talk about detox, which is TOTALLY what I'm all about these days. My curiosity is around the body's ability to detox itself naturally, once we've made the necessary health and lifestyle changes (food, drink, body products, air and water purifiers), or whether this cellular change is creating the need for deeper cellular detox, creating a tug on our physical systems that require more help. Rasha says, "In many cases, your physical forms are already bogging down under the burden of the accelerated detoxofication process being triggered by the amplified energies all around you. Under the new vibrational conditions, one can no longer sustain the levels of impurity that once were possible. The body's natural inclination to slough-off toxic debris is amplified to unprecedented levels, and as the energies continue to accelerate, will initiate the release of cellular waste at a rate that could result in a systemic breakdown, if one is not conscious of the process."

What does that mean? I've been talking about it for 3 years - if you used to be able to drink coffee, all of a sudden it doesn't agree with your body. Same with sugar (I really think the huge numbers of people coming down with insulin resistance is the sweet cells saying "No more poisons.") Medications don't work for people, nor do over-the-counters. Smoking and drinking may make you sick. Why? These higher frequencies coming into our bodies are requiring us to put higher frequencies into our bodies in the form of organic foods, more pure water, more natural products, nothing artificial. So, we need to become conscious of the process, which is what I'm working with. Connecting and talking to others is paramount to this process - what are YOU feeling, what discoveries have you made (although Rasha says we're each alone in this ascension process because we all have unique paths, but I think it still helps to know that we're not alone WALKING this unexplainable path).

One more helpful recommendation from Chapter 17: "You can anticipate the experience of the symptoms of illness when undergoing an intensive program of energetic healing (energy healing, in the form of Reiki, Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, etc. is highly recommended to help our bodies adjust to the higher frequencies, and I totally agree). Do not assume that the work is ineffective if your physical condition worsens directly following embarking upon a purification regimen. The very symptoms that would indicate illness to those conditioned inphysical focus are, in fact, an indication of cleansing, when viewed as energy. Toxic release is your evidence that purging is taking place and that your energy field is being relieved of a burden that was carried in a particular region of your cellular structure. Likewise, when exposed to high levels of vibration, the toxins harbored in the emotional bodies of your form are released."

So we get double whammies all around. Gwen called tonight (after reading yesterday's blog on the ionic foot cleanse), and told me Harley McClain is in town, so he's coming over in a bit to do zone therapy and a foot cleanse for Steve and me. I'll report back. I'm curious - Maggie went to a seminar in which the doctor said that the body positively DOES need help detoxing, and that the ionic foot cleanse is one of the best tools out there. We'll see ...

Maybe the foot cleanse will wash all my toxins away, just like these big, fat raindrops are washing away all the dirt on the sidewalk. I love water, I love the rain, and I'm frankly loving life right now - it's so full of potential and hope and expansion.

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