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Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

oh my gosh, seriously ...

The ionic foot cleanse? First Harley did the zone therapy. My right foot HURT a lot - he either has a very strong knuckle, or my masculine side is really overtaxed. My left hardly hurt at all. Zone therapy is like reflexology, but apparently a little more indepth. Apparently my pancreas is having some issues, along with my knees and right hip (all accurate, except for the pancreas - I'm not aware of its issues). I was a little nervous about the thought of placing a big battery in a tub of warm water (probably some past life flashbacks of an electrical chair or something), but I took a deep breath, and for the benefit of research, closed my eyes and dove right in. The water turned a shade yellow, then rust (liver and cellular debris), then some lovely foam (mucous from my lymph system), then green flakes (uhm, I forgot what those were for). It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen at the end of 30 minutes - it looked my feet were in an awful swamp with slimy algae everywhere.

So the battery charge changes the oxygen ions to be able to travel the energy current, through the water in my body, forcing the toxins down to release through the soles of my feet. So, the question is: were there toxins, after me detoxing and living a clean life for the past year? Oh, yes, there were toxins, and a lot. The amazing thing to me was that when I stood up when he was done, the pain in my lower back was totally gone - vanished. It's been there for years. I can't help but think about the years of antibiotics, bad food, Tylenol, and other people's energies from 20 years of energy work that's accumulated in my sweet body. I'm glad I've found a way to help it get rid of it all.

Steve's wasn't much better - he added black flecks for drama (heavy metals). We're definitely going to do it again (and again and again). I keep hearing about the liver/gallbladder flush, but it still feels too violent for my body - on the toilet for 3 days, shocking the pancrease with a lot of olive oil, but it keeps coming up, so I'll keep looking at it, and maybe try it some day. I sometimes wonder if some things are fads, spiritual bandwagons that people jump on, hoping for the next big miracle. It's probably the same in all areas - we just expect that spiritual people aren't in it just for the money, but there ARE innumerable options out there, aren't there?

"Oneness", Chapter 18: Bringing relationships to completion and walking away with loving detachment. Breaking addictions to others. The significance of summary life experiences. Allowing others to live or to die in freedom.

If you don't walk away in neutrality, you keep the energetic charge between the two of you, and you're destined to repeat the situation until you reach completion in the form of acceptance of the recurring themes in your life. That's classic treatment for relationship counseling - if you don't figure out what happened in your first marriage, you're bound to repeat it in your next relationship (someone asks, "Why do I always marry alcoholics?" Probably she/he hasn't healed whatever's inside THEM that seeks that energy out). Interesting, she says, "So long as you carry the vibration of resentment for wrongdoings you feel have been perpetrated upon you, you have set the stage for a repeat performance."

I think of that in my own family, as we work toward family unity in the form of rules, expectations, and the need for respect for family harmony. It's a tad difficult with two teenage boys living in the house. We had a family "meeting" that didn't go so well, as one child exploded in anger at the injustice of it all. We were just stating rules, but he felt they were punishments. Both Steve and I stayed neutral and firm, but man, was it difficult. But if it's true that we need to make changes in the way we run our family and our lives and our marriage, nothing will change. So I sit here typing, thinking of Jordan coming in at 12:30, 1 1/2 hours after curfew, because he needed to clean his apartment. He had the whole day, in fact, a whole week, but chose to sleep instead. So he came in at 12:30 and woke me up (again). How do we navigate these tricky waters? Helping our boys become responsible, loving men, while preserving the sanctity of our house, our nuclear family, and our lives? I'm not sure, but as I felt the resentment and negative feelings building in me this morning, I replaced them with the best scenario: our family sitting in the front room, laughing and enjoying each other, the boys both moved out, on their own and happy, and Bill spending time with his mother AND father, together. Don't focus on what's wrong, SEE what you want to be right, and let the energy take you there.

That's my thought for today as I look out the window to see the sun shining. Bill and I might head down to Enderlin for a little Maggie and Tommy Time. I'll bring the leftover Morrocan Chicken Stew and a big salad.

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