Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I can see clearly now ...

... the rain has gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. It's the song, remember? This morning I woke up and felt, I don't know, deeper inside, somehow, like there was MORE of me than yesterday when I went to bed. My almost-20 year old came in the house at 3:47AM, almost 4 hours after curfew, and I heard the front door quietly opening. I stayed awake until 4:30. I haven't been able to sleep too deeply lately, except at Mom and Dad's on Sunday night. They live by the river, no cars, or dogs barking, or teenage boys barking. I want to go back to Bismarck. But something has definitely shifted. The last energy "transfusion" lifted around last Friday. My left ear didn't feel so full, or ring quite so loudly, my sternum wasn't quite so frozen, and my whole upper chest felt looser. My heart is beating pretty regularly these days, except for last night after I ate some organic cereal. It must be the sugar; my body doesn't like it, even if it IS organic.

I found a great website last night that talked about detox symptoms, and the whole process as taking years, not the measly months that we think it "should" take. The website link is http://www.dr-jo-md.com/detoxificationsymptoms.html, if you want to check it out. I don't know if they're trying to sell supplements ( I think that's the case, but it's still good information), but I'm checking out their recommendations of chlorella and ambrotose as things that can help us get through this detox process that's taking a long time. I'm also checking out the ionic foot cleanse, per Maggie Peterson's suggestion. If you BUY one, they cost around $2800, but maybe someone's got one I can TRY. If it's a good thing, then I'm willing to buy it, but there are so many "good" things out there, it's hard to know what to do. My suggestion? Trust your intuition - how does the information FEEL to you? Does it resonate? Feel like it makes sense? Some things I dismissed as improbable only a few months ago, only to say, "Wow, that sounds pretty intriguing" now. So who knows? We're breaking new ground all the time now.

One thing I know for sure: Dr. Gott's book, "No Flour No Sugar Diet" book is absolutely FABULOUS. Not only is it good, sound nutritional information (in my opiniono - I've read over 50 health books from all different viewpoints, so have a pretty good broad-based idea of what's what), but the recipes are unbelievable. Check out the Moroccan Chicken Stew with Butternut Squash and Quinoa. I can't find the link, but all of the recipes are delicious, easy, and good for you.

Another odd symptom that people are talking about? Veins that hurt and burn, then they all stick up. I noticed it happening to me about a month ago, but didn't tell anyone else. Then a client e-mailed me with that concern. Today in Group two others commented that they experience the same thing. My instincts tell me it's the energy surging through our bodies; it's very powerful, and our veins are like, "Who, Nelly, that's intense." Or something like that. I know that we need to feel empowered throughout this process, to feel secure in the fact that we're healthy, and that there's nothing wrong with us. The medical community must be LOVING all of us scared people running to them to solve our problems. They get paid lots of money for the tests, pills, and diagnoses, but they're going to be in BIG trouble when people keep coming back because nothing works. At some point, the medical community is going to have to concede that something bigger than they can handle is at work, and that we're all going to have to look to other forms of therapy to help us. Can't you just see it? A doctor sending us to a Reiki Master, or homeopath, or naturopath? Or suggesting a good meditation CD? I can't wait, because I just know the day is coming. People won't be content to not have their concerns answered in a solid way. Labeling someone as having a psychomatic illness just won't cut it. We'll ALL be given that diagnoses because there aren't any tests or pills that will affect us on these higher, energetic levels. We need higher, energetic help, in the form of energy work, meditations, natural supplements that support, not suppress, and ways to de-stress and detox our everyday lives.

That's why I'm reading all I can about the natural approach, working WITH our bodies to support their beautiful work. We certainly can't do it on our own. I'm fascinated with this work - I'm enrolling in the Clayton College for Nutritional Health, so I can learn more about it all. It just goes on and on - the only thing is that there are thousands of "experts" saying thousands of "truths", so it's up to every one of us to figure out what WE believe, irrespective of what others say. That's finding our crystal cave that I saw, and dwelling in our Centers. That's where our safety is, our grounding is - everything else is out on the edge, and scary. The crystal cave is our deepest knowing, our place of connection with Source, the All That Is. So that's where I'm going to dwell for the rest of the day, even though Bill's playing Zelda on Game Cube - hey, there's probably a crystal cave in Zelda. It's possible ...

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