Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I got it all backwards

I haven't been able to get my brain around this whole abundance/greed/manifestation thing, but I think I figured it out yesterday - I've been doing the whole backwards. Okay, imagine that you are building a house. Your contractor has the timeline figured out to make things flow as smoothly as possible. The electrician gets there first, then the plumber, then they put in the walls and floors, and on. But what if the wall guy is like, "Well, I'm coming early, because I want to be done faster," so he puts up the walls BEFORE the electricians get there to do their jobs. NOW they've got to rip into the walls, and it's going to take longer, and cost more money, and make a big mess. All because the wall guy didn't want to go along with the rest of the plans, and didn't want to wait. He just didn't have the bigger picture... sort of like us humans. So we're down here going, "I want this NOW, and this, and this, and this..." and we either don't know (or don't care) that there may be ANOTHER timeline out there that has our broader picture in mind, one that sees the wisdom behind delays or disappointments. If that's the case, now we're working AGAINST our Higher Good, causing delays and messes.

So ... what happens if we FIRST put ourselves in alignment with our Higher Good, like having a meeting with all of the people who are working on the house, so we can plan and coordinate. No one is independent or outside of the project. Now things will flow smoothly, so take a few minutes, close your eyes and take a few deep breath, and INTEND to put yourself firmly on the path to your Highest Good. We don't know exactly what that LOOKS like; we're just intending to be in harmony with the greater picture so we don't work at odds with anything. Now that we're integrated and on the same page, intend away, knowing that you are now working WITH your Highest Good, and not potentially even AGAINST your HG. And I always start my intentions with, "If this is within my Highest Good, I intend this for my life." We can't see everything from down here, so we can't just SAY what WILL happen, because God forbid, then we're like little brats screaming for a bag of candy and to stay up until midnight. If we get our way, we'll become little greedy monsters thinking we run the world. No, our parents (or our Higher Selves, etc.) are there to help us grow up, and sometimes that involves being denied some things, not getting our way, having to do things we'd rather not do (like brush our teeth or take a bath), but that are necessary for the broader picture.

So I'm excited today, finally feeling some of those puzzle pieces falling into place for me. It's not a question of abundance or greed, of being more powerful because you can MAKE things happen, but a matter of placing yourself in alignment with your spiritual path FIRST, and then proceeding from there, in harmony, and in sync. It's what I figured out, anyway - I know we've all got different angles, and that's what's so cool about this place. But at least for me, I'm feeling more mastery over this whole concept, and it makes total sense to me now.

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