Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

oh my gosh

I'm still thinking about the party (and recuperating). I can't believe how tired I felt yesterday, but a good tired, if that makes sense. My poor client (well, I guess she's not so poor - we had a fabulous session), but I kept clearing my throat. The first song I sang at the party was "Baby Got Back." Sharla mentioned something about something, and this morning I open my e-mails to find the link she was talking about, so I thought I'd share it with you.

Best wedding first dance ever

Oh, if you want a big smile on your face, watch this video - it's hip hop hilarious (as my kids would say).

I'm feeling so "full" today, and I'm not worried about anything (I come from a long prestigious line of worriers - I change that to "warriors"), and a strange thing happened yesterday that I can't stop thinking about (I think a lot). My sweet stepson was supposed to fly out to CA for his annual "5 days with his mom" and when I reminded him last week about it, he said he couldn't fly out today because he had finals. I encouraged him to talk with his professor to get the finals changed, then let it drop. When I tuned in about the whole situation, I heard that everything would be all right - he wouldn't go early in the morning, but would catch a later plane. I'm thinking to myself, "Yeah, like THAT could ever happen. If he didn't change flights right away, they would be all booked up, and he'll never get there." Well, I heard Steve talking, er, loudly, to Jordan last night about the trip, then angry because Jordan didn't change his schedule, and told Steve he wasn't flying out in the morning. The phone rang again, I picked it up. It was Jordan.

"Here's your dad," I said.

"No, I want to talk to you," he said.

So I asked him if he remembered us talking last week about this (vaguely, he admitted), then I asked him if his mom had gotten trip insurance. He said she'd told him she supposed he wasn't coming to CA then. I was ready to call her (and believe me when I tell you that act ranks right up there with getting a root canal without novacaine), but at that moment his mom was on the other line, so I hung up. I tuned in AGAIN and asked if everything was going to be all right. I heard that it was just fine - he was going to get a later flight out that day (again, impossible, I'm thinking - it's the holidays, flights are all booked). But I did something that is still relatively foreign to me - I STOPPED WORRYING about the outcome, and watched curiously.

The phone rang again. Jordan.

"You'll never BELIEVE what just happened," he said. "Mom cancelled my early morning flight, and the airlines automatically booked me on a 5:35PM flight."

I started smiling. A miracle? Maybe a small one in this world greatly in need of huge ones, but I'm calling it. Perhaps a bigger miracle is the fact that I didn't emotionally take on the burden of Jordan and his trip ("If you knew about this last week, why didn't you tell me?" Steve asked. Oh, don't even GO there, sweetie), but asked "up" and got my assurances. I wonder - is it possible to do this for ALL of the things that happen in my life? Go to that higher place of understanding and get the broader picture so I don't muddle through so much down here? I know the answer is a huge YES, and I know I'm IN that place of expanded awareness all of the time (we ALL are, I think), but sometimes I forget. But a HUGE thank you to my "help" for this important lesson today. Things are not always as they appear on the surface; in fact, things are RARELY as they appear on the surface, kind of like that whole iceberg concept. So here's to looking below the surface, or rising above it all for the spiritual birds-eye view. It feels so much better, this 100% place - I'm staying here.

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