Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, December 31, 2007

My New Year's Revolutions...

I call them "revolutions" because I think they are life-altering and life-changing - little revolutions.

1. I will actually WATCH all of the DVDs I own (not counting Bill's Disney ones - I've already seen all of those a thousand times).
2. I will clean out the utility room in the basement (actually, I've already got a good start).
3. I will get my books out of the storage unit (and save $50 a month).
4. I will wear every piece of my clothing, or give it someone who will (yes, yes, I WILL do this).
5. I will cook at least one new dinner a week (and maybe even some stuff Bill and Steve might like).
6. I will finish Dad's book, "Dress Gray" by June 1st (not counting printing time).
7. I will organize my recipes on Mac Gourmet (and maybe make that cookbook I've been talking about for the last 10 years).
8. I will write 5 letters a week (no, e-mail doesn't count).
9. I will get over my irrational fear of health clubs, and thereby start GOING to the Y again.
10. I will learn to belay (wall climbing is a fabulously fun sport, and it would be bonding for Bill and me).
11. I will go to Mount Rushmore, and Denali National Park in Alaska (we've already got these trips planned, so maybe I'm cheating).
12. I will ride a horse again (after Vinny died, I've been too sad to think about riding again).
13. I will love my "defects" - my moustache (I think it's a sign of beauty in some cultures), the loose skin under my arms (it could be worse - I just don't know how), the cellulite on the backs of my legs (hey, I've had that, except for that brief ultra-skinny phase in the early 1980's), the mole on the crook of my right arm (why single that one out? I've got millions), the one hair on my right eyebrow that sticks straight up making me look like Mr. Spock (yes, you can even see it in my baby pictures), my toenails that curl up and cut me (none of my sisters wanted to sleep with me when we were growing up), and anything else I might come up with...

I know I say "I will" as if it's something in the future, so it won't get done, but I'll do all of this, I promise, and if I don't, there's always next year ...

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