Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, October 29, 2007

nightmare on Park Drive

... will these nightmares never cease? I don't "do" nightmares, but they seem to be "doing" me, if you know what I mean. And now not only is my stomach really queasy all through the night, but last night my whole torso was queasy (I don't even think that's physically possible). Mags thinks I don't have enough stomach acid, but I think it goes beyond that, because just suffice it to say there are some other bodily functions overworking, as well. I respect you too much to go into details. So... what IS going on? It appears to be another big detox. How can that be possible? Aren't we all detoxed enough? Aren't we done with this? My answer is "I don't think we'll EVER be done - it just keeps going deeper and deeper."

Say you want to totally declutter and clean up your whole house. You go through the first time, room by room and get the big stuff cleaned up and cleared out. That is BIG movement and you can feel it, and you feel really great by the time you're done. But now you go back into the front room and start going through the drawers. That's another layer, more subtle and smaller, but still a part of the whole process. You now do that with the rest of the house, and there are a lot more of those smaller areas that need cleaning than the whole big things in the rooms themselves. Now you open one of the boxes in one of the drawers, and start to go through THAT stuff - more little stuff, and more stuff overall than the first or second round of stuff you've already gone through. Do you see? It may not be affecting you as intensely, but there's always more work, somewhere in your body - old stuff that needs to be brought to your attention, then action you need to take with it. Do you want to keep it or get rid of it? Will you use it now that you know you have it and want to keep it? There's so much to do, and apparently this last pass (that we're still in the middle of, by the way), is also related to the whole fall detox thing you read about, so that makes it more obvious.

So ... I continue to eat really lightly, paying attention to upping my fresh veggies (don't you hate it when people say "veggies," like they're best friends with the vegetables so they're giving them nicknames?) and drinking more water with lemon in it. I'm lightening up on the complex carbs and protein, and just listening to what my body wants. It usually wants more stretching and exercise. Today I'm resting all day after my workshop at Park Rapids (which was FABULOUS, by the way - so much discovering and sharing - I love my work), trying to get my new computer up and running (I don't have Word installed on it, so I'm flying by the seat of my pants writing this week's column). I'm excited to start my live channelings up at my office on the first Tuesdays of the month - that will be a great way to connect and get the word out. Such an exciting time of change and self-discovery. If I'd thought I'd be where I am 30 years ago (or 20 or even 10), I never would've believed it - it's a miracle, unbelievable, and yet ... it's my life, and I'm loving it all.

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