Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

YAY - we're through...

It appears as if we've turned some kind of corner as of yesterday afternoon. For myself, I was feeling more energy, less dizzy and nauseous, more centered and focused. The times with my clients was absolutely unbelievable - it felt like I was actually just transported to another reality and was able to speak and be in that space. I know that I actually AM always in that space, but sometimes I forget in the racing around in this dimension. I felt as if I'd just sickled a whole field full of weeds and now was looking at the cleared field. Interesting is the fact that my forearms are sore this morning, as if I actually HAD been hacking away at weeds.

What's cleared? Probably another layer of those densities in our cells and bodies. I know I must've had a TON of density - just the sheer fact that I'm over 55 pounds lighter, and you KNOW it can't all be water weight... but more than that, it feels airier inside of my body, when I "look" inside and just sit with how it feels to be in my body, I feel decluttered, as if there aren't a million cars and bikes and horns honking and people running - it's more of an active pastoral scene (I would never think that anything about me would be totally still for too long), with horses and geese and a swift-flowing river, a beautiful stand of ancient trees, but that one giant tree standing all by itself in the field. That's my Happy Place, as I call it - that's where I "go" whenever I have a minute to relax, and I know it's the Sacred Spot I've been seeing and building for the past 20 years or so since I first started on this crazy path to enlightenment. It's really the only real place anyway, and it's deep inside of me, or is it "above" me in that expanded place? No, I think it's deep inside of us, and the world is outside of us, and we stand in the middle as the stillpoint, the mid-point between heaven and earth. And as I take more and more time to return to my Home, I feel that solidness, that sturdy footing that's so necessary as parts of our Earthly realities seem to be crumbling more every day. Where can we turn? What can we do? We have ourselves, our Souls, and we have everyone who loves us so dearly that it would be impossible for them to ever leave us. I'm talking about those here on Earth and those beyond. All of our best friends.

And when I feel this breakthrough time, I can't stop taking deep breaths, I can't stop smiling, I can't stop shaking my head in amazement, and I can't stop feeling grateful that I get to be here through all of this - it's amazing, it's a miracle, it's nothing short of life-changing and transformational - can you feel it today? The sun is shining (where I am), and I'm about to strap on my gray and pink tennies and go for a loooooooooong walk - I think it's called for. No more resting for me, and "Scrubs" can wait (just a little bit).

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