Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, December 10, 2007

the newest message

It was a magical night, last Tuesday, when we all gathered up at my offices. I do it the first Tuesday of every month, these live messages. I record them onto a CD so I can transcribe them. Well, Diane did the transcribing, and it's ready. I won't print it all here (it's really long) but I'll post the whole thing on my website at www.susanekberg.com as soon as my webmaster can get it up. But here are some pretty powerful, beautiful parts that I really love. I hope you will, too.

This part talks about setting our course to our desired destination, and how that looks:

"The preset course to this land of gold, this land of plenty, this paradise, this heaven, is nothing less and nothing more than a return to your self, your true self, to your core, and to your soul. It has been your home before you came to this earthly plain. it is your hoe when you close your eyes to the rest of the world, and the rest of the wanderings and doings, happenings, excitements and distractions. When you close your eyes as you are doing at this time, feel that land. See it with your 'spirit eyes' right now as it glow golden before you. Feel the wind in your face as your rudder carries your ship beautifully ad swiftly to your goal. Do not ever be deceived, dear ones, by the substitutions and the detours that occur in your lives. Do not lament and say, 'I am off course," for that is an impossibility.

Your course is set within you, within your heart and within your life and you travel that course perfectly and beautifully every moment of every day. You are in communion with us and we are whispering in your ears every moment of the way, "You can do it. We are here. We will never let your ship crash into the rocks. We will never set you adrift." If you feel yourself twirling in an eddy or whirlpool, know that there is a reason for this, a reason for the delay and we will set your ship straight and we will repair what has been broken and we will mend your sails and we will hearten you if you are disheartened. We will breathe fresh life into your lungs and into your life."

If you're wondering if we'll achieve our goals, and how we're going to do it, this excerpt addresses those points:

"We tell you without any doubt, that you will return Home. You will achieve your destination. You are always regaining a part of your soul in every conscious word that you say in love, in every gentle act of compassion and understanding, even if it is said with force. If it is done with love, dear ones,we tell you, you have just regained a part of your kingdom, a part of your soul, a part of your home.Do not ever, ever seek to underestimate this incredible gift and this incredible miracle that is unfolding in your life every moment of every day."

So far as thinking about why in the heck we agreed to come to Earth at this time, this talks about it:

"You entered into this sacred pact and this sacred contract with all the multitudes of heaven cheering you on. As you breathed deep, walked away from all that was calm, and all that was love and all that was good, you set your voyage to this place; to this dear, dear, dense, lost place in order to bring light and in order to help and in order to serve. And we tell you that all of the heavens are humbly kneeling before you in sheer gratitude and amazement for all you have undertaken and for all that you currently are walking through, for it is the walk of the warrior.

It is the walk of the brave soldier who is honor-bound and duty-bound to serve and protect. You are not only walking for yourselves; you are walking for all of those who in fear have not started the journey yet. You are walking for those who are afraid. You say you are afraid and we say 'ah, no dear ones. If you were not brave you would not be able to walk. You would not be where you are right at this moment. Even though you are afraid, even though you DO have fear, also feel your courage.' "

This last beautiful part speaks of how we might be here now, and what may help:

"Love each other; be gentle and understanding and compassionate with each other. We are all striving to do the best that we an in every circumstance; forgive us if we fall short; forgive yourselves when you fall short. Say 'I may choose something different next time; i hope that I may. I'm sorry if I hurt you I'm doing the best that I can.' Be grateful for all that you have that is good in your life; be grateful for all that comes into your life for not one speck, not one circumstance comes into your life save that for our highest good.

Know this to be true, even if in your own limited consciousness, you cannot see the greater reasons for our situations, we tell you that everythig that happens is happening for a reason. Rest in that knowledge and rest in the understanding that you are never alone. Feel us with you now. Feel us holding your hand as you walk out the door. Feel us sitting beside you as you drive home; feel us lying beside you when you put yor head down on the pillow tonight. Hear us whispering in your ear: 'You are not alone; you are never alone. And oh, by the way, have I told you today how much you are loved? Know this to be true; feel this to be true.' And be well, dear ones; oh, be well."

I love my Work; I truly do.

1 comment:

karen said...

This is beautiful Susie, I feel so warm.

I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday and found myself asking my guys, "This book, or this one?" and they helped me choose a nice selection, all of which I'm excited to read!

It's nice to know we are supported and loved so much by our higher selves and the very special others aiding us from the spirit side everyday. Thank you for sharing their message of hope and love!