Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Friday, October 26, 2007

1,000,000 for Colbert

Unbelievable. I'm watching "The Colbert Report" with Kari and Brian last night, and Kari checks her computer and sees that the students who started the "1,000,000 for Colbert" campaign number now around 987,000. They started on Oct. 17th, only 8 days ago, and almost 1,000,000 have signed their support for Stephen Colbert for President.

He's odd, he's brilliant, he's funny, but is he REALLY serious about running for President? He put in his bid in South Carolina last week, I think. I wonder what's real and what's satire, then I say to Kari and Brian, "It's perfect. It's all an illusion, anyway, this whole thing, it's like a talk show, and whether Colbert's "real" or not, does that matter?" Then I wonder, is ANYONE real, and what does "real" mean, anyway? I think it's really interesting, and it would be neat to see if so many students watching and loving Colbert would then be prompted to become active voters, to CARE enough about their world to become involved with politics. I've heard some young peope say that politics are a joke, and it doesn't matter, so why bother about anything? And I feel sad that they're so cynical and jaded. I've been accused of being too optimistic and rosy, but I think you HAVE to believe in the impossible, you HAVE to believe in the kindness of people. Colbert interviewed Congressman Kucinich, and it turns out that he keeps a copy of this quote in his pocket: "Only he who attempts the absurb is capable of achieving the impossible."

So Stephen Colbert is accomplishing the impossible, I live my life every day daring to live believing that we are all the same, we are all connected, and that anything IS possible, not only on the earth, but everywhere we may find ourselves. There is SO much more than just our eyes see, or our ears hear, and when I keep my life slow enough so that I can remember to breathe, I know this to unequivocally true. Plus, I probably WOULD vote for Colbert if he keeps going with this thing. And I love my WRISTSTRONG bracelet ...

1 comment:

karen said...

He IS brilliant, and I truly don't think he expected so much support. We'll just have to wait and see where he goes with it. He is both refreshing and entertaining... also, if we can't laugh about the absurdity of our modern lives the world would be so difficult! :)