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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

the dawning

I've had the distinct privilege of getting to watch the sun rise for at least 5 of the past 7 days. Probably only because it's around 7:30, and that's the time we need to be up, anyway, but it started when we were in Minneapolis and stayed in a room surrounded by windows. We'd left the curtains open, and I couldn't sleep. Notice the deep blue of the night sky. Now it becomes lighter and lighter blue, and you can begin to see details on the buildings and trees and cars, not just dark outlines. Even before you see the first glimpse of gold sun, almost the entire sky is a medium blue color. Then you see the light gold sky in the east, and amazing shades of pink off the clouds if there are any, then the whole sky becomes a light blue before pop - the liquid gold shimmer of the round sun peeks over the horizon. I had this thought: we don't even NEED the sun to be shining in the sky to give us light - it's doing that long before it appears.

And that's just like our current process of enlightenment, or bringing light to. Before the light, we were in total darkness, living our lives by feel, bumping into things, knowing something was out there, but not being able to see it or really know it. We had to make assumptions and guesses about everything - I think that's a tree, I think that's a house, I think that's a person. But then the process started of being reacquainted with our whole Souls, our Suns, and we were starting the process of turning around toward the Sun, because the Sun doesn't move around us, as it looks, but WE move around the Sun (once every 365 1/4 days) and also we twirl around and around (one full revolution a day). So we begin to feel the morning coming, the Sun coming, and we start to be able to SEE again, and it's exciting, because we can know things more fully - oh, it IS a building, but more specifically, it's a LIBRARY. We become empowered with knowledge, with knowing, and it feels great. So we wonder - when will it be totally daylight? It seems to take forever, and it just keeps getting lighter and lighter. Is this day? Now is this? Nope - still dawning? Gees, this is taking a long time - this is good enough vision for me, but no - it just keeps getting lighter and lighter as we keep shifting our perceptions and perspectives TOWARD the Sun, our Soul, returning to our Connection and our Source. It isn't a short process, the dawning of our Soul takes a really long time, but it keeps getting easier every minute, doesn't it? If we keep seeing more, we don't need to be impatient for the WHOLE Sun to be up - we can take this time to get to know our new world, to get acquainted with the parts of ourselves that were in the dark before, but now are exposed to light. We can explore and examine all the parts of ourselves that were hidden to us. There's plenty to do before the full Dawning, which IS coming.

When I look at where I'm at in the process, I can see my Sun already popped up, but still low on the horizon. When is it all finished? I have no idea - maybe when it's right overhead. Probably not totally in this lifetime, but maybe yes - I have no idea. I don't think anyone really knows the answers to those questions, but again I don't think it really matters WHEN - it just matters that it IS dawning, and that's making all the difference to us. And watching the dawning IS magnificent. It's beautiful and whole and bright. Just like our Souls.


Unknown said...

Susie...Your comments match my mood today. Funny how that works. :)

Here's a poem by Mary Oliver that speaks to the same theme.

Blessings. Charlotte Coleman


It starts like this:
forks of light
slicking up
out of the east,
flying over you,
and what's left of night-
it's black waterfalls,
it's craven doubt-
dissolves like gravel
as the sun appears
trailing clouds
of pink and green wool,
igniting the fields
turning the ponds
to plates of fire.
The creatures there
are dark flickerings
you make out
one by one
as the light lifts-
great blue herons,
wood ducks shaking
their shimmering crests-
and knee deep
in the purple shallows
a deer drinking:
as she turns
the silver water
crushes like silk,
shaking the sky,
and you're healed then
from the night, your heart
wants more, you're ready
to rise and look!
to hurry anywhere!
to believe in everything.

Mary Oliver

Susie said...

Amazing, Charlotte - Mary Oliver is my ultimate heroine!!! Thanks for sharing that beautiful poem, and it's amazing how we all seem to be connected with what we're feeling.