Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

what is this fresh horror?

So ... we're all blissful, right? Enter two nights ago (or was it just last night? I forget) - frustration, impatience, anger, insomnia (bigtime - like we've all ingested 2 pots of coffee), did I mention impatience? Everyone I've spoken with is experiencing the same thing. We're all set to go, have been doing this energy work for over a year, and it's time already - let's get this party started. Let's go go go, but nooooooooooo (as Steve Martin would say) - here we sit... and sit and sit. So - what do we do until something moves off the starting point? I've been doing DDR every morning, working up a huge sweat to 45 minutes to an hour of heart-pumping smooth dance moves. I've been doing my heart meditation (start with both hands on your heart to feel the energy there - get the communicaiton started, then move one hand up to your forehead to get your heart and head communicating. When you feel the connection move your heart hand down to your stomach to get your head talking some sense into your poor fear-based tummy, then when you feel the connection there, move both of your hands back to your heart and just sit for a while taking deep breaths. I also am staying present, remaining in a state of gratitude and abundance, writing in my gratitude journal every night, and re-reading the whole thing every morning. I'm calling friends, making lunch dates, making bulgar burgers and zesty tomato soup with lime (cooking seems to calm me down and ground me beautifully).

What are YOU doing? Are you feeling this current restlessness? If not, kudos to you - let me know what you're doing in your life. It's also a time of purging - big-time, and frustration over an overabundance of "things" that feel like they're weighing us down, and that's exactly what's happening, I think - physical "things" are too dense, they're of the lower energy that may no longer be a part of our new lives, so we're having to reassess everything in our lives, and again, that's no small task. But it's all well worth it, and from where I'm sitting, mandatory - no shirking out of anything, no going back to sleep. We may not be moving forward as fast as we would like, but I still maintain (through gritted teeth) that we're still exactly where we need to be at this moment - there are no mistakes. Really, I DO believe that with my whole heart.


karen said...

I feel the tension in the air. It feels like I'm walking through a fog (strange that it was misty outside this morning as well) and my body is very heavy. I'm trying to stay positive, to think of things that make me happy when I start feeling impatient and annoyed with those around me. I started reading about reiki yesterday, and it's very interesting. I think now more than every it is important to be thankful for our lives and the human experience. Let's just keep going even if it is taking extra energy to move forward right now. Thank you, and bless you Suzie, your strength is very helpful right now.

karen said...

I'm sorry, I spelled your name Suzie instead of Susie.

Susie said...

Thank you for your kind words, Karen. Just keep going - we're all in this together. It can get SO tough, but just knowing that others are out there feeling the same stuff can make our loads lighter. And don't worry about how you spelled my name - it's been spelled all sorts of ways...