Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Day One - Rest

Okay, well, THAT'S not gonna happen on my watch, but that's what my training schedule says for Day One of training for the half-marathon. I'll have to figure out how to move the days over one or something. So my body was humming this morning, ready to move, so I strapped on my iPod and headed over to Concordia for my morning walk around the track, only there were no cars in the parking lot, and no one in the hallway, and the doors were closed. Sigh. I wanted to move, so I turned around and headed toward the auditorium. Maybe I could walk those hallways. I walked closer and heard music. I walked up the stairs, and saw them - The Concordia Women's Basketball team practicing. I got tears in my eyes - my girls, my team. I walked down the steps and watched them for a couple of minutes. A woman came over to me. "You're Susie Ekberg," she said excitedly. "Yup - and you're Jessica, the coach," I countered.

"We're heading for playoffs tomorrow, and I was just thinking I'd love to have some inspiration for my girls, and there you magically stand," she said.

Well, not so magic, I'm thinking, believing, as I do, that there ARE no coincidences. She asked me to go speak to the girls. I was nervous, but said sure.

When I walked out on the floor, Jessica introduced me, and I was surprised to see them all clapping and cheering - me? An old lady? Wow - that was sweet of them. I told them how important basketball has been in my life, and how the lessons far exceed just the basketball - the most important one perhaps is how to focus on what you REALLY want, and then just totally go for it, with your whole heart and mind and body. Then you are unstoppable. I also told them my biggest secret of basketball, and that is this: when you block a shot, you point your finger at your opponent and yell, "Nosliw." The girls looked confused. So I explained: "Nosliw" is "Wilson" imprinted backwards on their forehead after you block the ball in their face. They started laughing. I wished them luck for their playoff game, then walked away, a little bounce in my step.

I walked outside, back at home, getting in 7000 steps before I go work at the book fair at the school, but this morning? Ah, this morning made my whole week, and it's just begun. What magic - what inspiration - what energy I feel right now. The world is a very very good place, indeed. Not bad for a day of rest.

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