Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Do. Be. Do. Be. Do.

It is just that kind of day, when I need to type and write, so I will.

Dear Ones – what a place you find yourselves these days. First you are at the mountaintop, then you are cascading down on the waterfall, then you are swimming, fuzzy, under the water, then you are flying. Is it all so confusing? Or is it exciting? We suggest that it is probably all of the above, as this is the current “trend.” Changing things up – getting used to the possibilities. It is not just the case of “intending the future for your life,” for how in the world could you possibly KNOW all that is possible for your life? You might ask to be moved out of a box you live in, into a small house, when the Future held a beautiful mansion for you? Why in the world would you want to limit yourself? Better yet, we say, to go to your Center, and breathe from that place, opening yourself up to all that is Good in your life, and all that is to come. From that Center. THAT is where your future lies. Not in some book or workshop or presenter or class or theory. That may be all right for some people, but not for you! For you know the Secret – and nobody else knows your Secret, for everyone has their own Secret way to their dreams. What is my dream is certainly not your dream, nor would I have it be. How dull and boring would that be if everyone were President of the United States? Whom then would we all lead? Better to be President of YOUR united STATE.

Dreams are becoming reality, and “reality” is becoming but a dream. So then, what is real? What you decide is real for you. The shadow across your window is either a monster or a tree branch – YOU decide for you, then act accordingly. If you make it a monster, then you will act afraid. If you make it a tree branch, you will admire its stark beauty. IT IS UP TO YOU. Now is the time to bring your “dreams” into your “real” life, for we tell you that dreams are no longer those fantasies relegated to your unfulfilled reality – they are your heart’s longing for total expression and fulfillment. Take a moment to ask yourself what you are dreaming of – it can be anything. Now just SIT in the space of that dream – pull the dream into your consciousness. That’s it. You are only knitting together the seen and unseen, the heretofore impossible with the possible, the unconscious with the conscious. You are a knitter of dreams, taking the potential of the yarn and using your physical energies of the needles to create something of beauty – a unique work of art. Your Spirit is the Pattern, and we tell you, Master Knitter, that you are indeed a Master of Creation, for you are constantly creating your Life every moment, are you not? Look not to the specifics, because they have not been written, nor do they “matter” in this realm of creativity. Look to YOUR life, to YOUR unique energies to provide the map you need to move forward into your life. There is no one out there who can TELL you what you need to do – they may make helpful suggestions, they may walk hand in hand with you and be your support and inspiration, but this is YOUR life, your walk, your journey, your future. Bring it TO you by dwelling in your Home fully – that is all you need do at this time. And enjoy the ride. That will continue for some time as energies even out. That is almost assuredly a fact. How long will you continue to grow and change? How long will the sun continue to shine? How long will the Universe be? How eternal is your Soul? Be well, be strong, be true, be love, be you. Just be.

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