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Thursday, February 28, 2008

outraged, incensed, furious

For any of you that may be under the mistaken notion that I don't get mad, or get riled up about things, check out the latest recommendation on flu vaccinations. Now they are recommending them for children ages 6 months through 18 years old. Even though this past season's shots were almost 100% ineffective against the strains. People get sick FROM the shots, most of them contain mercury, and sure as h*** nobody is going to tell ME what I have to do in regards to my son's health. I was so riled up this morning when I read the report that I started pacing around the house. Steve was upset, too, but was more amazed at my vehement response to the recommendation.

So I sit quietly and see what this means for me, because it's only when we have a strong reaction to something that there's something juicy in there for us. So I sit - what kind of people push their beliefs and opinions on everyone else, scaring them, threatening them, lying to them? Narrow-minded people, weak people (the panel is probably getting pushed from the pharmaceutical companies to produce more drugs to sell). Am I ever narrow-minded and weak? Heck yeah - I'm being narrow-minded right NOW against those people that came out with the recommendations. Weak - that goes without saying, and I'm not ashamed of that. What else? I used to be one of those weak, sheep-like people that just blindly listened (and believed) what doctors and the drug people were telling me. "If you have high blood pressure, take this pill. If you have high cholesterol, take this pill. If you have diabetes, take this pill. If you have insomnia, take this pill." If you have liver problems, it's probably BECAUSE you took those pills.

WAKE UP, I want to scream to everyone - eat healthy, get exercise, de-stress (okay, so I'm stressing about this, which isn't so good), drink lots of water, be happy, do what you want to do, hug a puppy, be moderate, take vitamins. Try everything ELSE other than pills, because once you start that slippery slope, you end up taking 200 pills a week, and sick sick sick.

Flu shots? Prove to me that they work. Prove to me that they don't contain mercury. Prove to me that injecting me with the very poison we're trying to prevent is a smart idea. Where's the proof? The very people they're targeting (children and elderly) are the very ones that are the MOST susceptible to the side effects of the flu (okay, I'm probably not quoting that correctly, but I know that people get very sick from the flu shots - my parents included). I have only gotten it one year, about 7 years ago, and it didn't help one bit. Besides, none of us have gotten sick in over 3 years - why get scared? If you've got a good immune system, you're good to go. But what about those who work with lots of people, or daycares? I don't know what to tell you about those situations, but my instincts still tell me that if you're healthy, you don't get sick.

What do you think? Please let me know - comment here, and let's start a discussion going. Okay, I'm a little calmer now, and about to head out to Bismarck, driving crosswise to the snowfall, but at least Steve's tandeming with me so I won't feel so all alone. Or narrow-minded or weak. Anyway, it's interesting to feel those strong emotions and trace them to Source to see what they're about. It appears I'll have to do a little more work, because it still riles me. It's just not fair (is life supposed to be fair? I certainly keep praying it will be).

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