Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Friday, June 6, 2008

Day Two- German Potato Salad and Roasted Lamb

Okay, this was kind of silly, because we were invited to Deb's house party for dinner, but I made it anyway, just to munch on during the day. I used the small red potatoes, and just scrubbed them to keep the vitamins in the skin. I fried up 4 slices of natural bacon (no nitrites or nitrates, and low sodium), then crumbled them. I cooked a whole sliced-up red onion in some of the remaining bacon grease (I know, but seriously, can you blame me? It's just a touch...), then added the onions and bacon to the cooked potatoes, along with 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar and some cut up italian parsley. Served warm? MMMMMMM. Okay, we could substitute the whole bacon/bacon fat thing, but overall, yummy! The lamb was almost the last of Myrene's, and was a shoulder roast. Not my favorite cut, but I actually ended up putting it in a crockpot with some red wine, and it was moist, tender, and really really good (a little later night snack).

I don't have enough recipes for a whole week, just three more days, so that will have to do for now, plus I want to speak of other things (imagine that!). But we'll keep the recipe thing going because I promised. It has not stopped raining for oh, 40 days and nights? Oh no, that was Noah, but sort of the same. Last night Bill and I went outside during one of the downpours and filled up all the water containers, then he rinsed his hair under the downspout (I told him rainwater makes his hair soft), then he put out 6 big plastic glasses. This morning they are almost full. Did you hear that rain last night? We saw some baby earthworms wriggling around, confused with the soggy earth, and I wonder if it's true that our bodies store Vitamin D for 28 days? If so, then we've got some wiggle room; otherwise I might have to drag out my light box if this keeps up. I'm amazingly not depressed yet, but feeling buoyant and optimistic about everything. Life is sweet and gentle and peaceful. Why? I have no idea.

I spend some time every morning just to breathe and smile, to pray for those I love and send them healing and light, to think about what I want in my life and ask to be in alignment with my Highest Good, and just sit with my hands over my heart and really feel what it's like to be totally in my body. I'm starting to miss speaking and teaching. I still speak, but not as much as I used to (maybe that's a good thing). I'm considering moving into the political arena, but need to ask some people for guidance. I know I'd do a good job, and there are so many things I'm passionate about, that I think I can help bring about much-needed change. What do you think? Politics? Good idea or bad? I'd want to help with education, and nutrition in the schools, and recess, and recycling and landfills, and health initiatives, and and and!

So we face the last day of Bill's invention camp. He loved it, and we get to go see his fabulous inventions later today. For me? I meet with Phil to overhaul my website, bringing in a ton of new, changing features, things that are in line with my goals and vision for my life and the world. A walk? You bet - I'm training for the 3 Day Cancer Walk in September - 60 miles in 3 days! I need to raise $2200, so wish me luck. I haven't even started fundraising - too busy wondering how I'll be able to walk 60 miles in 3 days! But I know I can... goal for the day? Get an outline for the last part of Dad's book. Stay tuned. It's almost done. Well, the first part - then comes the editing.

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