Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

achey breaky

I woke up this morning, and my left shoulder hurt to the touch. It was tender under my left arm and across my whole shoulder blade. Now, I'm 47, not that young, but not that old, either. Had I slept on it wrong? Hurt it somehow? A concerned friend asked if I was sick. I put herbal ointment on it, rubbed it, wincing every time I even touched it. It was a mystery, but oh well, the whole day stretched luxuriously before me, well, until 9:30 when I had to go teach Sunday School. But Bill wanted to play a little Wii bowling before we left. How could I say no?

I stood up, grabbed onto the remote, lined up the arrows, pulled my left arm back and brought it forward sharply. OWWW - the hot pain shot from my hand all the way up to my neck. That's right - I'd hurt my shoulder ... playing a video game. It probably isn't the first, but for me it ranks right up there as one of the most embarrassing things I've done in quite a few days, anyway. Hard to believe I was a really good athlete at one time, isn't it? My smart 20 year old suggesting doing warm-ups before attempting another strenuous video game. But on second thought, it's probably not such a bad idea...

I love Stephen Colbert. Kari got me started on him, and now I start most mornings having a cup of coffee with him. I even got his red "Wriststrong" wristband. I got one for Kari and Erik, too. I wondered how old he was (43). I wondered what he was really like. Read the current issue of "Parade" magazine and you'll find out. His dad and two brothers died when he was only 10, and his 7 older siblings left home, leaving him alone with his mom. He changed schools and got beat up a lot until he started using humor to get along. Then in later years he lost his faith, and found it again when someone handed him a Bible and he read the Beatitudes - the one he remembers is about how worrying will not change even one hair of your head. He even teaches Sunday School. I think I would vote for this man for President, I really do. He makes me laugh, and he's smart. That's a good combination for a President, don't you think? Maybe I'll start my own campaign here in my hometown. What do you think? Do you like Stephen Colbert?

I feel the urge sometimes to run for some local office. I'm passionate about school recess and even more passionate about overhauling the school lunch program. I mean, seriously, 1500 calories in one meal, most of those carbohydrates? I do what I can by being Bill's room parent and volunteering to put on a spelling bee and teach a section on creative writing and one on nutrition. I'm starting the writing segment this week by talking about poetry. I'll probably read some Shel Silverstein, but Robert Frost is pretty visual for kids, even if people think he's a bit schmaltzy. What's so wrong with that?

It was 94 degrees out today, but we were hardly out at all, after Sunday School, pouring coffee after church, a birthday party and soccer practice. I know, I would've been outside at soccer practice, but after being awake since 4:30 this morning, I passed out on the couch the whole time Steve and Bill were gone. These are lovely, shortening, intense days, and I'm grabbing life fully and breathing deeply, and boy does it feel good. I love my life. What about tomorrow? Who knows.

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