Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

shifting energies

How do we feel today? Dreams are still intense, and sleep is disrupted. There appears to be some really deep, intense emotions rising up to the surface to be looked at, and released. Sore necks and sore muscles overall, frustrations and restlessness are rampant. Headaches, soreness at the temples and ringing in ears are common. Sneezing? Energy shift or hay fever from farmers harvesting? It's hard to tell sometimes, but sniffy noses are definitely up. Fatigue still leads the list of "symptoms," so rest is always a good thing. Meeting with friends and joining energies is a really good thing to do right now - eliminate all extraneous distractions and sit with what makes you feel solid and centered. Chances are it's the simple things - cooking a good meal, laughing with friends, playing cards or reading (or watching "Flashdance" - what a feeling).

There are some definite shifts being felt around everyone - changes are in the air, there's a lot of movement, and with that can come a sense of anxiety. "What's happening? Where are we going? Will anything be changing?" Even though we welcome the changes deep down, we are still human, and change can be scary, because it's the unknown. To help with that, when I feel myself cycling off a little, I notice it, then stop everything, close my eyes, take a few deep breaths, and intend to have all of my scattered energies return to me. Then I sit with that feeling, and it always feels really good, like sinking into a deep tub of water, scented water. Will these shifts and changes never end? I'm beginning to think "no" - we'll keep shifting and refining and fine-tuning for the rest of our lives. Letting go of what doesn't work, embracing all that DOES work, and watching the rest of it all just float by us. It's exciting, but seems to require constant mindfulness, maybe at least until we get the hang of the new way of being in our bodies and being in our new world. It's about cutting through the crap that was the old illusions and addictions and clinging, and relaxing into the new rhythm of our unique soul energy patterns. Finding out what works for US, as individuals. We can't really take anyone else's advice unless it makes sense for US, because their experiences are about THEM. This is all new territory, and there's no book written, no experts, only thoughts and experiences.

So today I am enjoying the beautiful changing of the leaf colors, the warm/cool wind on my face, working on Dad's memoirs, seeing a few clients, and loving my life.

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