Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Sunday, September 30, 2007

the cold

Everyone's talking about it - this cold they can't shake. I've noticed Bill sneezing for the past month, struggling to breathe through his nose at night. Maggie said she's feeling it, along with her clients and other friends. Steve said everyone at work can't shake it, and I sit here sniffling, wondering why my super-immune system isn't kicking in to shake it, either. I wonder what else I can do, then I remember my other "symptoms," and wonder if my thyroid is okay - I'm cold all the time, I have insomnia, my bruises won't heal, I have blurred vision, I'm tired a lot... then I take a deep breath. No, I'm not scared for my health - I've been through too much this past year and a half to do that, but I'm interested. Yes, interested. IS there anything I need to do? Take some supplements? Then I laugh. Maybe, sure, but how much can we DO? Doesn't that get to be a bit much sometimes? Don't we want to just hang out and let it all be?

Maggie says, "The intention IS the action." Maggie and I are twins in a lot of ways, except she's more gifted in the physical realm, me more trusting in the spiritual ways. So I think about that this cold, rainy morning, awake since 5AM. The intention IS the action. I don't have to DO anything, everything, all the time. So I sit here dressed for church, waiting to walk out the door in 10 minutes, then off to look at a farm south of here, then off to Bill's make-up soccer game.

All IS well - it always is. Trust in the Divine Order, and that all is unfolding in perfect order. It's a tall order sometimes, but not so tall this morning. I can do that - I can trust. I can just intend, and trust my body and trust the process to do the rest.

On another note, my sweet and smart friend Katrina, has an unbelievable blog you can check out at www.kaleforsale.blogspot.com. She's committed to lightening the carbon bite, and to eating local, among other great things. I met her through some writing workshops, and my world is a better place for knowing her. I asked her if I could share her site, and she said yes, so here it is. Here's to awareness, here's to the joys of being incarnate, and here's to the knowledge that we're not alone. Ever.

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