Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

finding my voice

I'm feeling inspired today by so many things. One of the things I've been keenly aware of lately is the FEELING I get when someone touches my soul, when they inspire me (breathe Spirit into me). Last Saturday's concert at the Fargo Theatre did that to me. We got to sit in the front row and watch these amazing women sing their souls out. I took deep breaths, closed my eyes, and just soaked it all up. Art does that to me. I'm thinking of my beautiful office with Karman's paintings, and Paul Allen's, and Patty Kirk's, and Tara's, and more. It fills me up to look at them, especially Paul's, who's is directly in front of me when I sit in my chair. I don't necessarily "look" at it, but just sit with it and let it work its magic.

That's how I feel when I'm with my friends, too. Maggie, Melissa, oh, you know them all, and they are all lovely. I'm so blessed, like I'm overflowing with good fortune to have you all in my life - how do I get so lucky? When I think of them, or talk to them, or laugh with them, I feel like I'm buoyed up, like I'm floating even higher in my life. The sun is brighter, the air is purer, my head is clearer.

Bill's home from school today, so I'm catching up with Steve's campaign stuff (see the link to "vote" for him online), and just relaxing. I'm not feeling so tired today. Mom's scheduled to go home today (I know, it was supposed to be yesterday, but...). She'd lost 15 pounds of fluid - too much - so they had to hook her up to an IV to replace some of it. Ironic, don't you think? I'm going to be cooking for them all week, then freezing everything and sending it up so Dad will have good, healthy, no-salt food for the next few weeks. I love to cook, I love helping them. I think that's the main reason I'm here this time around - to help in any way I can. It may sound funny to say, but I'm crazy about people - I just love everyone. I love being with people (extreme extravert, I'm thinking), but that's been on my mind a lot, too. I don't know what it means, I'm just thinking about my love for people.

A friend and client told me something the other day that made my whole year. She said that she recommends everyone to me because I've been doing this for so long - I STAY, and I don't have any other agenda other than to help people. Sometimes I think I'm not PUSHING enough - I'm not sending out 10 e-mails to people every week, I'm not setting up a ton of classes or traveling all over the region - I'm not pushing myself for money or clients. But I'm doing it the best way that I know how to do it, and to hear her tell me those things makes me feel comforted - feedback isn't mandatory, but it sure is nice sometimes. Thank you, Karen, for your kind words to me last Friday - they meant the world to me. This world is an unbelievable place of growth and opportunities, and today I'm steeped in those kinds of feelings.

1 comment:

karen said...

Even with as cold as it was this morning, the sunrise was beautiful (inspirational)... and even though my car wouldn't start, I was happy because I got to spend time with my mom (who was kind enough to give me a ride to work). I think this is the new energy, the new way of being, and I am so excited and grateful.

I'm glad that I know you Susie. :) Have a great week.