Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day One - Lentil Soup and "yes, no, maybe so"

Lentil Soup, Caramelized Onions with Asparagus and Warm Whole Wheat Bread

Billy and his "Yes, No, Maybe So" Creation

Bill's caught the culinary bug (there are worse diseases), and, upon seeing me take out my stack of recipes, got out a pencil and paper and wrote the recipe for his newest creation, "Yes, No, Maybe So." Why is it called that? He explained to us last night.

"Is it unhealthy? Yes, because it's got Cream of Mushroom Soup in it. Is it unhealthy? No, because it's got broccoli and whole wheat pasta in it. Is it overall a healthy meal? Maybe so." What a guy - he was so proud - we all tried some, and took pictures. I love my son - he's fabulous.

I put 3 cups rinsed lentils on to simmer in the morning in 12 cups filtered water. At 2PM I came home from a fabulous lunch with Shirley and added a cup each of cut up onions, carrots and celery. At 4PM I added 1 1/2 cups cut up tomatoes, some molasses, red wine, wine vinegar and pepper. Voila. Lentil soup.

Then I put olive oil in a skillet and caramelized a cup of cut up onions. In another saucepan I steamed a pound of cut up asparagus. When the onions were done, I added 2 teaspoons of dijon mustard, a teaspoon of fresh cut up thyme and some fresh pepper. I tossed the asparagus in and mixed it all up.

We already had the fresh whole wheat organic bread, so I just heated that up, and served it with some butter.

As you can see - it's all so beautiful! Today I'm making Hot German Potato Salad and organic lamb shoulder with a side salad.

Why all the food entries? I don't know - maybe it's the rainy weather, maybe I just need a change of pace, maybe it's because I've surrendered eating sweets for the summer and I'm feeling more energetic. Maybe this is just what interests me right now. I don't know - I'm just going with it.

1 comment:

karen said...

hi Susie,
Your Lentil soup sounds so delicious! Thank you for sharing your food creations! And Bill's "yes, no, maybe so?" First of all the name is adorable AND it looks yummy too! :)

You're having a lot of fun, and that makes me feel very warm and happy for you.