Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Mom countdown - Day 22 - Goddess Great

What an evening! Over 60 goddesses gathered in our backyard. It was warm, but a light breeze kept us cool. All goddesses were greeted with different colored beaded necklaces and star bindhis in rainbow colors. There was some drumming, some angel cards, some Guitar Hero, lots of laughing and connecting. I'm SO glad I had the party. I was nervous at first, I don't know why. Having everyone over to the house, I suppose. But it was pretty clean, at least. The boys went to Space Aliens and then Barnes and Noble, then enjoyed showing off by climbing Sam, our beautiful silver maple,and doing some flips on the trampoline. Brenda joined them on the tramp for a few jumps. I feel energized, fired up, not sad in the least. Everything's okay today - I got to see a lot of my dear friends yesterday, and that was exactly what I wanted and needed.

I called Mom this morning to give her the account of the goddess party. She was worried there would be too many women, and I said, "Is there such a thing?" and she laughed. Steve said there would be too much female energy, so he left for a bit, but I just laughed at him - women LOVE my husband, so when he came back early and stepped outside, he was surrounded. Jack, our Maine Coon, was in his glory, with all that goddess energy - he stayed close to us, with eyes half closed, paws crossed over each other, purring. What a day, what a week, what a life. Nothing can get me down right now - I'm so grateful for everything and everybody. I'm going to do the 60 mini psychic e-mail readings for all the goddesses, then get to work on Mom and Dad's stuff, then back to studying nutrition for my Clayton College courses. Just ask me about manganese and its benefits...

We get new tires on the Rialta this afternoon so we can take it for a test run up to Itasca tomorrow. We'll bring fishing poles, swimsuits and maybe some bikes. Erik's coming, too - I love our family - it's big and crazy and not so moderately dysfunctional, but there's love. Crazy love, maybe, but lots and lots of love.

Sigh. I'm happy today - inside and out. Life is big and messy and crazy and well, lifelike, but it's mine.

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