Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

easy peasy I feel queasy

Will this never end? Seriously, I'd think something was wrong if Melissa didn't feel the EXACT same things at the EXACT same time. Now even Stevie's feeling them. Mags was sick yesterday, as well. So what's going on here? It appears that we go through these cycles of detoxification (can you say "toilet?"), which start with bloating and constipation (sorry to be so graphic, but these things must be said ...), then you probably feel queasy, then things "release" (enough said), then you may feel "tight," like you've got a temple headache, or a sore neck and back, hips and knees sore. Then you're through this round ... and it starts again. I know it's intense, and I'm puzzled when a friend looks at me and says, "I haven't felt ANYTHING," and I know she's spiritual, so I can't answer the question as to why some of us are feeling it all more intensely, and others aren't. Maybe we just have different language.

Last night I was watching an episode from Season 3 of "Scrubs." Ben, Jordan's brother, dies. We knew he had leukemia, but the way it was shown on the episode, it was really sudden. AND Dr. Cox is crying, because Ben is his best friend. There it goes - the geyser of tears - seriously, I couldn't stop for almost an hour. Was it about "Scrubs?" No - I'm certain not, as I KNOW it's only a show, and Brendan Frasier is still very much alive (thank god). So just another emotional interlude? It appears so - so don't be upset when you cry for no reason - no, it's not the lack of sunshine or the appearance of those little white flakes. Don't be upset when things don't feel like they're moving forward. Heck, EVERYONE I know is feeling this sense of frustration and just hanging around, not going anywhere. I don't mean ANYWHERE, because everything is just perfect in my life, really it is - I've never been happier or more balanced with my work, home, friends, and myself, but still ... something's going on underneath the surface, and we can never quite put our fingers on it. Doing the public channels the first Tuesday of each month helps, but I've got to find someone to transcribe them so I can post them on my website. Meditating to Andrew Weil's "Breathing" CD has done phenomenal things for my integration process (I highly recommend that CD if you haven't heard it yet - I leave my body when I listen to it - really). Cooking also relaxes me, as does cleaning (not too much of that, though, just enough to clear my head).

I'm all packed and ready to head to Bismarck to spend Thanksgiving with Mum and Dad. It's Kari's golden birthday tomorrow (22 on the 22nd), and she sweetly said she wants to spend it with her grandparents. We're only going for a day, but we're bringing our video camera so we can tape Kari singing for Mom and Dad, along with our still camera to take pics of all of us together. And in the end, isn't that what it's all about? Family, friends, and love? Oh, and good food. Always good food.

Happy Grateful Giving Thanks Day to you all - I'll post when I get back on Friday...

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