Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the portal

So here you are, at the gate, and it's locked, closed up tight. You can't get through. What do you do? Start screaming, rant, rave, get restless, frustrated, pound your fists on it, close your eyes, trying to break it down so you can get through? Good luck - it doesn't give, doesn't open to brute force. Try harder! No - that doesn't work. Pant pant pant. Push again - push your way through - it's what we've been doing for thousands of years, down on the lower energy levels - conquer a few cities, kill a few villagers, torture a few non-believers - MAKE it happen, because YOU know what's best, and YOU can get it done, because YOU have control over your life and the events. Right?

Wrong - not anymore, anyway. Life has altered mysteriously, to present us with these same portals, with the same locks, but we can't break through with our human ways anymore - spiritual enlightenment and understanding is what is required. We have to find the KEY to understanding our present situation, and what is being presented for integration and understanding before we can pass through to the next level of "lessons" in the form of situations and events and people. If we don't get this stage, how can we get the next, more advanced, complicated stage? We can't. It's like cheating in algebra, then being totally lost in trigonometry. Building blocks, steps that we take one at a time that lead us ever-upward and onward.

So what do we do when we're stuck at the portal and can't get through? Realize you're at a place of great opportunity and growth. Stop ranting and raving against the door - there's no one being mean to you, there's no conspiracy, this is all FOR you and for your Highest Good. Take a few deep breaths, smile, then start looking around for your key. Ask yourself some questions, "What could the possible lessons be here? What actions could I take that would be fresh and new from the old responses I usually make? How could this possibly be leading me into something more expansive?" Then listen, wait, expect and watch for the answers. They will come - I promise you. They may come in a feeling of "aha" or in the form of a well-placed e-mail from a friend, or a book excerpt, or news story, or billboard, or even that small still voice you hear when the rest of your world is quiet (like Kate the Angel in my first book, "Pink Stars and Angel Wings" - she tells Kari she's the voice she hears when the rest of her world is quiet). You never know how the Universe will answer you, but it will, because everyone and everything wants to help you in your life.

But you're not in this alone, nor can you do it alone - you can't FORCE your way through to higher understanding just because you don't want to be where you are. If you're where you are right now, it's because you're SUPPOSED to be there - there are no mistakes or coincidences. This current situation is here to teach you something - are you willing to learn a new way? You're not such an old dog, you know - there ARE lots of new tricks to be learned, and they'll make your life magical. I promise.

Can you find your key?

P.S. Refer to the previous blog entry and gate picture - maybe Mr. McCrazy (or PCP Guy as we now call him) thought HE could just bust HIS way through HIS portal - good luck, Mr. McCrazy.

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