Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bear is back

He first started coming to me 15 years ago, tracking me, not letting me get away. He always found me, crashed through doors, hurt my children, until finally, as I crawled to the highest point in a room, and Bear snarled and lunged toward me, I said, "Enough!" and let him do what he wanted to with me - I was tired of running. He ripped my sides as he pulled me toward him, then... hugged me. We melded and melted into one. I came to realize that Bear symbolized my separation from my instinctual part, and vowed to be truer to myself. Bear went away.

Saturday night he came and started chasing me again - a huge grizzly bear with frosted white fur on top of the golden. I could see him on the road, far away, but smelling our scent, was able to find us no matter where we went. But this time, I was in charge of a whole group of people and animals - I herded them frantically, trying to keep them safe. There was Mom and Dad, Steve, Kari, Erik, Jordan, Bill, Rusty and Spikey. It was too much - they kept wandering off. Then I remembered I might be safe in a house, not remembering that Bear eventually just crashes through any "house" I try to hide in. We found a house, and we went inside. Then I remembered thinking that maybe I should face Bear. But not tonight. Not today. I'm sure Bear will come back if I continue to stretch outside myself, worrying about others, taking care of everyone else besides myself. My back miraculously healed by itself, but there's an imbalance. There really is. And Bear knows. And so he comes to me. I'm not surprised. A little scared and upset, but not surprised. I'll keep you posted.


karen said...

Good luck with Bear. I got the chills when I read this because I too have had wild animal dreams, usually they speak to me and when I tell them what my intentions are they leave me alone (or give me knowledge).

Recently I had a bear dream set next to a lake. 2 of them (bears)came out of the water and were chasing me and a friend. I got in the way of one of the bears so that the friend could escape. I grabbed his enormous bear paws (he was on his hind legs) and he rolled on to his back and wanted to play! He was like a big dog on his back!

I know that your Bear represents something different for you, but if he comes back maybe you should talk to him?

Susie said...

Right, Karen - actually, you're the SECOND person to tell me they're having Bear dreams. Go figure! Yeah, I should talk to him, but I was so scared to see him again that I didn't want to. But I will. I promise. Maybe he WILL want to play with me, not rip me apart!