Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Saturday, May 31, 2008

stunningly perfect

1. wearing my goddess outfit
2. reading "New Earth" while waiting for everyone
3. water no ice with lemon
4. having a sip of my Chunky Monkey martini (more than that is just too much!)
5. pictures of all the goddesses
6. seeing all the dressed up women going into the theatre
7. cheering as the show started
8. the shoes
9. the clothes
10. the girls back together again
11. Carrie's new closet
12. Dante (you'll have to watch the movie to understand)
13. giggling with Shirley over Aquafina and Junior Mints
14. Samantha's one-liners
15. a night out with the girls

I read a post from one guy about the premiere, and he said, "I never knew women were so shallow," and I have a comeback for him. "Sir, life is difficult. I am an enlightened being, but in this world of pain and suffering, it is essential to have oases of respite for the soul weary, and "Sex and the City" is one of mine. Is that so wrong? You have your football games, and your hunting. Will you deny us OUR simple pleasures? We don't think your games and killing things is stupid (okay, maybe we DO think they're stupid), but we understand the need for escape and community.

So yes, I am shallow, AND I am deep. Two for the price of one. What could possibly be better than that? And yes, I also happen to like to follow the lives of the movie stars, as well. I bet that just totally takes you over the edge, doesn't it? AND I'm actively concerned about our earth, AND I meditate. Go figure.

As Hillary Swank whispers in Harry Connick Jr.'s ear the secret to what women want: "we have no idea what we want." But I DO know - I want it all. The fluffy movies, the late-night freakouts, the long sunny days at the park reading, rubbing my mother's feet. It's ALL a part of life - you don't need to separate out the good from the bad, deciding what everyone SHOULD be doing, thinking, feeling. That's why they call us "individuals." Separate, unique. So, sometimes shallow, sometimes waist-deep, sometimes over my head, but always interesting. I guarantee you that."

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