Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Thursday, August 28, 2008


It makes my heart happy, being downtown today for three hours. Oh, WITH Kari. We started at Shannalee's. I bought a "Fargo Girl" necklace and tried on a shiny black jacket that's just FABULOUS. Then we met with Phil to plan my new website - man, is that going to be slick. I even can put my blog on it, so watch for that move in the next couple of weeks. I also have a spot for all the amazing events coming up (Mag's grand opening of the Organic Cupboard, Judith Valente's visit, and Vidya Anderson's meditation month at the Spirit Room, to name just a few you will want to check out), my favorite recipes, one at a time, health that's in the news, as well as inspirational quotes, so you can visit every day and it will all be new. I can't wait. That feels really right to be available in a much broader way. Then we went to Toscana's. I had their lobster salad, and oh my - shrimp and lobster, broccoli and asparagus - sigh. Then off to Swanson's for some Oscillo for John Strand's cold, then off to visit Cindy at O'Day Cache. If you've never bought their French soap, you've simply GOT to try it - it's creamy and bubbly and just the best (and I'm usually not THAT enthusiastic about soap), then home to pick up Billy from his first day back to school.

He invited three of his buddies to come with us for our traditional first-day-of-school Dairy Queen run, and now they're all happily esconced in the back yard on the trampoline. Although I'm still really feeling totally ungrounded and drifty, it's a little more manageable today as I just wait until Kari gets settled at Luther and Erik moves into his apartment and I stay home for longer than two days. I really believe that it is all good, this restless feeling of wondering what my next step will be, what direction my life is moving in. I like to know, is that so wrong? It's silly, really, anyway, as I still have my clients and my work - none of that has changed, so I wonder what is at the heart of this feeling. I can't figure it out, anyway, so I'll just keep walking through my days and trust that everything will keep unfolding as it needs to. In the meantime I'll enjoy the shrimp and vegetable pilaf I'm putting together for dinner and letting the sun shine a little on my face.

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