Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Hippo Birdy Two Ewes

Hippo Birdy Two Ewes, Hippo Birdy Deer Ewe, Hippo Birdy Two Ewe! Now show the pictures of the hippopotamus, bird, and two sheep, sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday." 48 years old today, well, born at 1:21 PM 48 years ago. How can it be that I then feel younger than I did last year? And after everything that's happened this last year, it surprises me, but I guess it's just okay to feel young. We're lounging in our beautiful cabin at Two Inlets. Yesterday we went for a drive around the lake, listening to the Weathergirls sing "It's Raining Men." I jumped out and started picking wildflowers, dancing across the road, "It's raining men, YAH." Shake shake shake. The secret? To be happy, ultimately happy in every moment, whether lying on the couch looking out the window at the birch trees swaying in the wind against the clear blue sky backdrop. My soul is happy here at Two Inlets. We're looking at lake property here. I want to buy a lake place. Somewhere deep in my soul is the longing for the tranquility, the peacefulness, the quiet nature that's here. We'll see.

We're leaving for Park Rapids, heading for Brigid's House to hug Brenda and Jeanne (I hope they're there). I hope Brenda's dog is there - she cuddlelicious. Then off to rent a speedboat so we can go tubing. Bill met a new friend, Jack, the son of the owners of this resort. We'll ask Jack to come along, too. Sitting here on the deck sipping gunpowder green tea, feeling the slight breeze lift my hair a little, not worrying about anything except the fact that Kari, Bill and Brian played in the forest yesterday and think they played in poison ivy, of which I'm highly allergic to, so I'm just stating that it wasn't, and leave it at that. We can do that, right?

So, I close off on my birth day, knowing that last year at this time Billy and I were heading for Bismarck to spend my birthday with my mommy and daddy. They said they hadn't spent a birthday with a daughter in several years, and I said I didn't want to spend it anywhere else. I wonder if Dad will call me today? I know he remembers, but I just don't know if he'll actually call me. It's okay if he doesn't. I know he's glad I was born. I am, too. Happy Birthday, all you lovely Leos!!!

1 comment:

karen said...

Happy Birthday Susie!

I am reading a Wrinkle in Time. It was my favorite book in elementary school and I am reading it again. (I saw that Billy is reading it in your previous post and got excited!)

I can see you enjoying a lake place on a serene lake very much. Hope that you find one you like!