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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the flying cat

I look out my window. Jack has a toy airplane on a stick in his mouth (the stick part), and is running around in a circle. All of a sudden he lifts off the ground and starts flying. I'm amazed, but no one believes me when I tell them. Oh, Jack is our beautiful cat, by the way. He wants to fly, he wants to do this thing so intensely, that nothing will stop him. And it FEELS real to me.

I wake up, and think about the dream, and think, "Wow, Susie, that's really weird," then I look deeper. Jack symbolizes amazing power, beauty, and spirituality to me. So that's that part of me. To be mesmerized by the thought of flight (higher soul evolution) and to be focused on it as your goal, feels pretty right. I'm a little concerned that it's just a little toy airplane, but no worries - Jack still flies, so do I, even if we think we're limited down here by whatever we feel is limiting us.

I haven't slept well the last two nights - it's this intense energy shifting, all around me. I feel it - it's a mass lifting off, it feels like. The light separating from everything else. We're all walking permanently into this new land where the scary, bad, violent, angry energies just can't exist. I feel like I look at all that stuff as through a glass that can't break. There's that scary monster, foaming at the mouth, scratching at the glass, screaming, but I don't feel anything. It feels wide open inside of me now, and I'm calm. I don't care about much of anything, and not in a bad way (as I explain it to Melissa), but I'm not pushing anything, and I'm not looking for anything - I just AM right now, and that's a really peaceful place to be. My thoughts are that that was all there really was BEFORE, even if I couldn't recognize it. I was just so used to pushing and thinking and making things happen that I didn't know how to just sit and let life lead me in the "right" directions. Now I've got my divine GPS system, and it's working perfectly. I still can't see what's up ahead, that final destination, where I'm going, but I trust. And I've got my teeth on that stick that's attached to the plane that will lift me up so I can fly. But anyway, Jack the cat was having a REALLY good time in my dream, so happy to be flying. Me, too.

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