Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Friday, August 29, 2008

three things I want to say

Dr. Vidya Anderson
1. I had my phone interview with Dr. Vidya Anderson today, in preparation for the cover story I'm doing for the High Plains Reader next week. She's coming to Fargo for the month of September, and will be doing several things, among them leading a basic meditation class, followed by an intensive. In the intensive, she's going to be able to tell us our personal mantra to use. When she was telling me all about it, first I got goosebumps down both of my legs (a sign of my hearing the Truth), then I started crying. I was very surprised at my reaction, but excited, because that is part of my next step. She will be at the Spirit Room, and the amazing part is that everything she's going to be doing is FREE!

2. I ate a cricket today. Bill videotaped it, but I don't think it recorded, so he's like laughing his head off, trying to explain that I'll just have to EAT ANOTHER ONE. It wasn't THAT bad, but I was picking little antennae out of my teeth for like 15 minutes or so. Why in the world would I eat a fried, sour cream and onion flavored cricket? Because I wanted to be brave, I wanted to do something that I'd never done before, and besides - they've got a ton of protein in them. Will I eat any more? Uhm, no.

3. I was a bitch today (you say that like it's a bad thing). Okay, so that's not a new thing, but I noticed a few things. Firstly, I was upset about a very old issue, which leads me to think "GET OVER IT," and secondly, I had a brilliant solution to this bitchy problem. Every time I notice myself feeling, thinking or saying something unkind about someone else, I will immediately stop what I'm doing and say a blessing for that person. So, it goes something like this (I'll make up the name): "Cindy, I'm sorry for being unkind. I wish you every happiness and joy in your life. Bless you." Even just typing that makes me feel calmer, more balanced and centered. Why do I bitch? Oh, I don't know - why do I eat chocolate? I know it's not good for me, but sometimes I slip, and I just do it. So part of it is thinking beforehand, then staying conscious and aware. Which leads me back to Number 1 - meditation. You'll just have to read the story in the HPR next week, but it's really pulling me to get back into the every day practice of meditation. I'm spotty, at best - I think about it a lot, but the actual act of sitting (upright - I do a TON of meditation on my back at night and in the morning, but I don't think that counts - I'm probably just still resting) is a little more elusive. But I'll try, I really will.

So those are the three things I want to say. Oh, and the joy of talking with Kari for the WHOLE day, so that by the time we came up for air, we realized we hadn't gotten out of our jammies OR taken a shower, and it was 2PM. Seriously - that is SO great, and I love her so much. So, that's it - we're off to the lakes for the day, with 2 layer gourmet brownies and blueberry cream pie and 8 ribeye steaks (yay, B12!). THEN will things calm down? I sure hope so - I feel really shelled out lately. But the air is cool, and the sun is warm, and my insides are still glowing.

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