Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

gentle channel

We lit all of the candles and turned off all the lights. Some of the people lay on the floor with pillows. I sat cross-legged on my "queen's chair" (the one on the left). I started the CD recorder, sat back and closed my eyes. This time it was different. I wasn't in a light green field with my beautiful ancient tree. I was hovering out somewhere in space - it was black and I could see everything all around me. It sounds corny, but it felt like Jodie Foster in "Contact." I'm used to feeling masuline energies as I give my messages, and told everyone to expect that, but I was VERY surprised to hear (and more interestingly to me, to FEEL) the most incredible soft, loving, supportive and gentle feminine energies in my heart. I was talking about us being like orphans who have just found out that we have a family, and not now knowing what that means, so we have to take it slowly to get used to our new way of being connected in the Universe. I said that you can't just "talk" about what "Mother" is, or learn about it in a book - you have to FEEL "Mother" in your heart, feel her when she holds you and strokes your head. This is what will help us in these intense in-between times. I felt so loved, so wanted, and it was perfect.

I spoke for 40 minutes - a new record, I'm thinking. I usually do these messages in the context of formal groups - large numbers of people coming together every week for 4 weeks to help give them concrete ways of understanding themselves better, but this is different - it's a message for everyone about what's going on, about what we may be feeling (upset stomach tops the list right now, due to the stabilization of our energies, causing upheavals), and just a little glimpse into a greater possibility for our lives and the reality of life all around us.

I love my Work - it feeds me - I lay awake at 4AM this morning and put both hands on my heart for a while. They got very hot. Then I moved them both to my stomach (I've been off and on feeling really queasy for 2 1/2 weeks), then around to my back (I've pulled out yet another rib - I HAVE to stop twisting around in my car seat to get stuff out of the back), then over my eyes and on top of my head. It feels so good - this respecting and honoring my body, and that's what I saw that we could be doing for Mother Earth. I saw her core as a trembling golden ball - it's causing reverberations all the way up to the surface because all of us up here are playing our own songs, fighting over each other, trying to get others to play the way we do, and She's sick of it, just like a "real" mother might get - I can just hear Mother Earth shouting on the winds, "Will you all just KNOCK it off, grow up, and start getting along? I am so darned tired of this." Can't you hear Her? So what's the answer? When all of us are quiet, and get centered, and find our Home inside of us, we connect with Spirit, and then we can hear our own unique "Spirit Song," which, when we play it (that is to say, we live our lives authentically and in alignment), we are in harmony with the rest of the world, not dissonant. Even though we all play different instruments and different notes, it's the SAME song - we're on the same page, we're all in rhythm, we are all looking at the same Conductor - it's a beautiful symphony, not a cacophonous mess. And we need to all play together right now, I believe, to make this next leap up together. And I know we'll do it.

Thank you to all who were present last night, thank you to Spirit who gives me such beautiful words of comfort to speak, and thank you to everyone who is incarnate at this time - isn't it an amazing ride?


karen said...

This post made me feel so at ease and full of love. I'm glad you had such a wonderful session.

I also find it very interesting, as I was Mother Earth this Halloween:


I'm feeling very connected to Her as well Susie. She is magnificent.

Susie said...

I'm not surprised at all, Karen, as you're so strongly connected to Spirit AND the Earth...