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Monday, July 21, 2008


My sister called - we compared notes. I've changed - she says her family says she has, too. I asked Steve if I'd changed. "Yeah," he said, "You're more distant and withdrawn." "I am?" I asked. I didn't think I was. I wonder if it's permanent, these feelings, or if it's necessary. I almost have to withdraw, distance myself from others - they weren't there, they don't understand how I feel, even if they had parents who've died - they aren't me.

Well, no one else IS me, but you know what I mean. How do I feel? Oh, a little angry - someone who ignored Mom for most of the past 5 years is now all about being with Dad, and that hurts me - it's disrespectful to Mom. I'm still protective of her. I don't even care if you didn't like Mom - respect her and cherish her and honor her. That's all I ask - I don't think it's too much, is it? Unconditional love? Maybe I'll have to unconditionally love this certain person (it's hard to do the right thing sometimes).

I sure wish I could sleep. I cleaned out Bill's toy room today - filled two garbage bags full of junk. Where does all this stuff come from, and why is there so much more, and why can't I just shovel the whole lot of garbage in my house into a dumpster? Why do I think everything is so precious, so needing to be kept? I'm tired of things, too much stuff. Too much. Do I seem distant to you? I'm right here, but I'm quieter, more reserved. I don't like to joke or laugh all the time. I notice that. But I'm still fun, really, I am - I think. I don't know what I am right now - feeling full, but not having eaten all day. Tired, but having slept a little bit last night, sad, but nothing really to feel sad about, restless, not knowing why. And distant? Sure, probably I am, withdrawn, too. I think I'll lie low for the rest of the summer, see how I feel in the fall. Maybe lie low then, too. Who knows for sure? It depends on how I'm feeling. I don't think I'll be like this for the rest of my life, just until it stops hurting so much to miss Mom.

1 comment:

karen said...

It's okay to withdraw Susie.

You will deal with your grief in the ways that suit you and work for you. My only advice is to let yourself feel it all, the good and the bad. And it's okay to still cry.

It's nice that you loved your Mom so much. I'm sure she's very grateful for all of your love and caring.