Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


It's everywhere - this call to change. Whether it's the balancing of the inner and outer - what we say vs. what we do (see articles on New York's governor) to bringing to light that which was previously hidden (see articles on Obama's former pastor's thoughts). It seems as if everyone's up in arms about something - things aren't going right, we don't feel well (I'm STILL feeling queasy, achey and tired, and I never get sick), people are acting crazy, the stock market's puking. Is everything still all right, is all still well with the world? I answer yes, and here's why: if we are to create something new, something old HAS to come down. You can't keep building over the top of the old. Eventually the whole thing will crumble, especially if the old is out-of-date or broken. So what in our lives is broken or out-of-date? I can only speak for myself, and it seems like there's a LOT of old stuff out there. The way I think about my "enemy" or opponent is just one example.

I had the occasion to sit with a client and look at a difficult relationship she was in. Oddly enough, I'd had run-ins with this same person, so it was an interesting exercise for me to set aside my personal feelings and go to that neutral place where we're all connected, a place where I could drop my stories and convictions and resentments. And the great thing was - I felt fabulous being in that place. Which makes me think, why do I ever choose NOT to be in that unity place all of the time? I don't know the answer to that, other than to put forth the theory that we're programmed to be where we are, and it takes some time and practice to move ourselves permanently to another place, to another viewpoint. That's what I'm thinking, anyway. Change is crucial, but change can also be difficult, such as changing where we put our car keys. If it's an automatic thing that we throw them in the basket by the door, it may take a while to become conscious of the fact that now they're hanging on the nail. Automatic actions are necessary, but not for every aspect of our lives. Maybe it's time to look at the changes taking place within my own life, and see what I can become more conscious about. All while still leaving some things automatic. I don't want to have to take 2 hours to get dressed every morning, do you?


karen said...

Hi Susie,
I'm trying to learn to be more patient with people... that is something that I know I need to change. And I'm trying to let go of "bad" things that others have done in the past that I'm still holding against them. (I'm realizing that it takes more energy to hang on than to just let it go.)

ALSO, I'm feeling achey and strange lately too, maybe it's a part of this phase of releasing the old energies? Still detoxing?

You're helping me focus on how I've been feeling lately (with this post). You sure are helpful Susie. Thank you! Enjoy the sunshine. :)

Susie said...

Hi Karen - I think it's interesting how many of us are feeling the same thing. They can call it the flu, but my body doesn't FEEL sick - it's being more like a voice for something else (if that makes sense). And I AM enjoying the sunshine - we opened our sunroof yesterday! My best to you - Susie