Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, March 3, 2008


It's supposed to be another day of rest in my half marathon training, but I went to Concordia and decided to walk the bigger track. I called my sister, and we talked for an hour. I logged almost 10,000 steps just from that - some rest, I'm thinking. The beef stroganoff smelled delicious in the crock pot when I walked in the door, but it seemed as if I swandived from one thing to the next all day, not stopping until right now, at 7:36PM. I'm not complaining, I'm just amazed and slightly dizzy as I look at everything I'm supposed to be doing, and don't have the energy to do. I don't know how others do it, with too much on their plates. Melissa says I'm doing too much, but it's okay - I love being busy.

Bill's a townskid in the Missoula Children's Theatre's production of the Pied Piper. Although he doesn't get to take a script home, he does have speaking lines. He's pretty fired up. He'll miss basketball on Saturday, though, and was sad about that. Steve's website is up and running (thanks, Phil), so check it out at www.steverisher.com. What am I feeling today? Tired right now, wanting to put my jammies on, and cuddle with Bill, so that's the next step. Am I worried about anything at this moment? Nope - I'm drifting in this lovely place of no-worries that I usually manage to stay in most of the time. Why bother when there's not much you can do about anything until it comes up in front of you. How will you know how you'll feel about something? When my mom dies? When Steve gets the PSC party's nomination? When I'm sitting in the dentist's chair? When I go to sleep tonight?

Speaking of, STRANGE dreams lately. Anyone feeling it? Wow - like they're real, but so odd that as soon as you wake up, you go, "Whoooo - that was weird." I can't even remember last night's dreams, but I DO remember that they WERE weird. Good times. I AM having a little difficulty getting clients scheduled for appointments, like I don't know if I'll be in town and available, or I'll have to ditch out to Bismarck and have to re-schedule. What to do? I have no idea, seriously - I keep reinventing my life, so I guess I shouldn't expect myself to be too predictable at any point. That's pretty boring in my book, anyway. Keep it all fresh. I'm rambling, which is how my head feels about now, so it's off to jammyland and a little cuddle time. I can't wait to hear what happens to Molly Moon and her hypnotism book (the book Bill and I are reading right now). Sweet dreams, not odd dreams, to you.

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