Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

close, but no...

Nomination. Steve gave the best speech of the whole convention, he really did. Everyone said so. I know he was nervous, being the dark horse, but hey, if you don't give your dreams their best shot, you don't have anything. I'm so proud of him - Bob Stenehjem, one of the other candidates, would be seen most times sitting at OUR booth, with Steve, chatting away like old friends. That's the kind of guy Steve is. I'm so proud of him.

It's just so hard to see someone you love NOT get their dream, but again, I'm reminded that I SAID I believe that everything happens for a reason, and if not this, then it's because there's something else planned that's in our Highest Good. And I HAVE to believe that, or everything I stand for and work for is a lie. So, here I am, feeling like I want to cry, but knowing that we did absolutely ALL that we could've done to win this race. So we can't see the broader picture. Okay, I believe that, and am putting myself in the hands of my Higher Ups - okay, guys - the ball's in YOUR court now - what will you do with it?

Thanks to all of our friends who supported us: Missy Pooh, for showing up to hold our hands and "smooth our auras" Erik for being a sweet delegate (sorry your hands got sore lugging in those huge boxes of t-shirts and pens), Tommy for manning the booth and handing out kisses (the chocolate kind), and Diane for closing up the hospitality room. And all of you who sent supportive e-mails - thank you thank you thank you.

The sky is overcast and there's a distinct wind blowing from the northwest. I'm sipping my decaf skinny honey latte, wondering what it is I'm supposed to do now. Breathe a little, I think. Tomorrow's another day (didn't somebody say that in a movie once? Like Scarlett O'Hara???). But, well, tomorrow IS another day, and we'll be opening a whole other chapter in our lives, as yet unwritten. Now THAT'S exciting!

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