Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

it's a miracle - I love my work

I promised Mom and Dad that I'd do readings for them. I don't know why - I just felt like it. I know they like to hear from me, so yesterday morning I sat down at my sweet computer and got started. I did Dad's first - I love my work. When I enter into that space, I feel like I'm giving the whole Universe a huge hug, or maybe like the whole Universe is giving ME a huge hug. Either way, it's good. I had to do some work, and didn't get to Mom's until later in the day. She'd had some bad news from the doctor, and was feeling kind of down. Mom is the brightest star, and her reading was equally spectacular. Again, I entered into that huge hug space. I think I'll just STAY there always - doesn't that sound like a good idea? Eternal hugs? Mmmmmmm...

Whenever I get stuck down here, whenever I feel at a standstill in my life, whenever I feel restless, I simply close my eyes and focus on my heart area. I take a few deep breaths and just concentrate on that area. It's so beautiful, our hearts - they hold such heavenly energy, supporting and loving and encouraging us. So when I pull all of my energies into my heart, I get centered, I see the broader picture, I have love for everyone, no matter what they've "done to me" down here on Earth. In my Heart Space, all is love, and everybody is love, even if it doesn't translate that way in the physical world.

I look at dear Steve, as he enters into the Convention. I wonder "down here" what the outcome will be. I try to look ahead and see the path, and one of the paths has Steve getting the nomination and moving forward confidently to a November victory. Another path has a huge surprise, a huge gift waiting for us, and it's not about the PSC race - it's something else. So what should I put my energies into? How do I work with manifesting for our Highest Good? Well, I've decided to do just that - leave it up to the Universe to help us with what's in our best interests. I keep sending love and light out for this convention, but I know in my heart that what's best for us will come about, so I rest easily knowing we're well taken care of. I DO believe that, just as I believe that the national election for President is divinely led to give us the absolute best for our country, and I will support whomever is elected, with my whole heart - I will pray for them and encourage and support them to do their best. Just as I do for my sweet Steve, and for my Kari, and my Erik, and my Jordan, and my Bill, and all of my friends and other family, and well, okay, on out to the whole Universe. My deepest wish is for all to be in this beautiful place of universe hugs - it's definitely my happy place.

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