Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

the ol' college 10 (again)

Well, I can't quite seem to get off this subject, as the numbers continue to grow (so to speak). Now almost everyone I've spoken to has gained 10 pounds in the last month. Except me, now I've lost 5 of those 10, so hopefully we're moving through the whatever-it-was that was packing 'em on. Interesting to note that Karen Bishop's NEW energy alert talks extensively about it, so I'll post some of her alert here. You can read the whole thing by going to www.whatsuponplanetearth.com. I even sent Karen a contribution in thanks for all she's doing for us. Here's part of it:

Most recently, many of us are experiencing a substantial amount of weight gain all over our bodies. We can look in the mirror one day and be quite surprised to see the shocking image reflecting back as it may appear that we suddenly gained a huge amount of weight almost overnight! For some, we have never been this weight in our entire lives.

Here is what is occurring: When we are interacting with the denser energies of the old world, or with any energies that we do not resonate with, we begin to hold more light as a protection. We are thus holding in a resistive fashion, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. This creates a tightness and a flow can then not be created. Also, we have had to let go of so much of who we thought we were, or our lower vibrating density, that in order to remain “here” on this planet, we subconsciously think we need to create a heavier physical form to keep us “here.”

As we are carrying more light for the whole, we were thus “carrying more weight” than others. We knew we needed to “pull our own weight” by being in our integrity, by coming from our highest stance, and by being a purified version of who we really were (our own individual gifts and talents).

This extra weight then, was needed while we were interacting with the whole and influencing it through our presence alone. I frequently notice that when I visit my family in California, and am in the energies there if even for a week, I come home with a bigger belly. At lower levels, these interactions with the lower vibrations can cause stress (I’m not specifically referring to my family here…sorry mom), and this state creates a chemical change within us which can cause weight gain as well. All the same thing.

But now things have changed. We have been released from this role. Thus, our weight will begin to fall off the more we begin residing on the “other side.” Again, the more time we spend and the more connected we are to the old world, the more uncomfortable we will be. Trusting that we can let go of the old will allow the new to arrive.

So, there you go! Take what makes sense, or make your own sense out of things. I've been given this FABULOUS new meditation for tuning into your higher energies, establishing communication, then making it conscious, then bringing it into your body, then getting concrete recommendations. I've done it with several clients already and have seen amazing results. I'll keep you updated - I think I'm going to record it and have it available as a single meditation so I don't have to wait to get a whole bunch to make a completely new CD. We need the new information FAST, don't you think? And I'm all about speed when it comes to this energy integration process, aren't you?

Interesting to note, that besides really intense and kind of yucky dreams lately, I vacillate between sleeping deeply and not being able to get to sleep and then sleeping lightly. I also went for my daily walkies yesterday, and couldn't just walk - I had to run. Now, I am not a runner - my knees will tell you so, but there was something inside of me that had to run and run and run. It felt good, and I can't explain it, I just go with the flow.

Another interesting thing I've learned to do is sit quietly and just ask my BODY what it wants, and it recently kept insisting on more rest and Vitamin C (which I know helps moves toxins out faster). Now it just says it wants rest, so that's what I'm focusing on (amidst the convention planning and errands). Try it - you may be amazed at the information you get if you just tune in and go right to the source. Your body knows best, of that I'm assured. I went to the eye doctor today for my yearly exam, and my eyes were a touch more near-sighted. He said that just keeps happening as you get older. I asked him if there was anything to do to help, and he said Vitamin C, E, zinc and lutein. I already take the first three anyway, so I considered lutein, but when I asked my body, it emphatically said NO, not now, so that's what I'm doing (or not doing). It's funny how I tend to still jump when someone tells me something I should do, before stopping to see what my body thinks (or even what I think), so that's another new (and probably more cost-efficient) way of doing things, don't you think? It's a new way of being in my body, it's interdependence - my body can't do it without me, and I can't do it without my body, so why not defer to my body when it comes to things it needs instead of consistently insisting that I know best? I DON'T know best about my body - I usually tend to listen to the "experts" who say "now do this, don't do this - this is healthy, this is now bad." Maybe for some people, maybe for me, maybe not for me. I need to ask my body first, so that's what I'm doing. What a novel concept - doing what's right for you. I may be slow, but eventually I get it.

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