Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

bringing light to ...

Otherwise known as enlightenment. This beautiful energy flowing through us, as a light, lighting the little candles in each of our cells so our whole body can be light. But first, oh, first, there's that little matter of eliminating all of the darkness, and what a detox that is. I feel it still in my body, but something has shifted this past week or so. When I feel my back start to tighten, that's my trigger that I'm trying to keep out the new energy, so I instantly relax and say, "if this is for my Highest Good, then I bless this energy and let it into my body to do what it needs to do to help me," and my back relaxes. I still feel it in my head, and last night when I lay on my right ear I could hear a high pitched ringing. It's usually heard in my left ear, so that was interesting. My neck is really tight, but that's probably more because of all the traveling we've been doing lately, and that's not going to end for another week or so, as we travel down to north of the Cities to pick up our beautiful new/old camper, then off to Bismarck for 3 days to visit Mum and Dad.

But I find myself peaceful much of the time, happy from the inside out, irregardless of what's going on in the rest of my world. I smile a lot, and am happy just driving, or feeling the wind on my face, or eating a sweet potato. It's hard to explain, and I think that's the thing - when we try to find the words, we try to force that beautiful whole brain energy into the left brain, and that's paradoxical - it's the whole, but it's not just the one part, so the whole can't be put into the partial, so my little words will have to suffice. It's more than enough to plant my containers and marinade the zucchini and even go to the post office. I know this has been going on for some time, years even, but ever since I walked through my dark night of the soul last fall/winter, something has grown inside of me, and continues to grow, and it's a really good thing. I miss being able to talk to a lot of people about it, because a lot of people are still like, "what are you talking about?" and I feel so many things inside of me, but maybe it's okay just to feel them and not try to talk about them or figure them out with anyone else. Maybe it's okay just to BE. And me saying that is DEFINITELY a new thing for me, trust me.

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