Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, June 11, 2007

It works

...not that I doubted it. Well, okay, I really doubted it, even thought I'd SEEN the results several times before. I decided to REALLY put this whole "law of attraction" thing to the test. I admit it, I really rail against this whole "The Secret" thing. I watched 1/2 hour of the movie, and felt the energy was really limited - it felt all about manifesting physical things, not taking into account that what WE want down here in our physical form might not be in our Highest Good. The child may want a huge bag of candy and to stay up late, but that's not in her best interest - the parent is there (our Higher Self, etc.) to oversee our growth, to make corrections when needed, to work WITH us to create our beautiful life. So, I resisted. But I'm a scientist; I like to TEST things to see if they work for me, to see if they make sense to me. There's SO much out there - how could we ever know what possibly works unless we actively try it out?

So there I go - we've been looking for a camper for 5 years. We'd narrowed it down to a Rialta, as they're small and easy to drive. Our friends found theirs for a ridiculously low price, and I was convinced we'd never be able to find one for that cheap - a dealer told us that a '91 Rialta would cost us around $41,000-$45,000. What - are they kidding me? I'd NEVER pay that much (not that we have that much to spend on a camper, anyway).

So we found one on eBay that sounded just perfect. A '95 with only 27,000 miles on it - pristine and new. I looked at it, and felt this energy zing through me. "Yah, sure," I thought, "but everybody feels that when they WANT something. Like it's 'supposed' to be mine." So I dismissed the feeling. I watched the bidding throughout the weekend, then decided to put the law of attraction into effect. Actually, I haven't read anything about it, and didn't watch the movie, so I maybe made up my own visualization. I first asked my "Guys" about it. They said if I wanted it, I could get it for under a certain price. I thought they were crazy. It was WAY lower than any asking price, but I acknowledged my intuitive information. I then sat quietly and saw myself placing the bid, saw me winning the bid (for the low price), then saw us all driving in it. I kept that image in my head throughout the weekend while we were down in Minneapolis with Kari.

I watched the bidding as it neared a close on Sunday evening. It was still within my limit, ridiculously low - no one had really even BID on it since I'd left Friday noon. Strange - all of the other Rialta's bids were around $30,000. I waited until 5 minutes to go, then placed my order - $600 LOWER than what my Guys said I could pay. Hey, faith, you know. I watched the close of the bidding. I WON. I couldn't believe it, really I couldn't. I got it for way less than HALF of what it was worth. So I'm acknowledging this whole intention/manifestation thing as a very powerful phenomenon, and I'm not about to belittle it any more. I can be really snotty sometimes - thinking I know things when I really don't know a lot at all. I try to be open to things, but I can be very judgmental if the things seem silly. Another opportunity to work with my sweet, BIG ego. Well, I don't think instant manifestation is silly anymore, but I still think that it will come about ONLY if it's ALSO in our Divine Blueprint for our Highest Good. If that's true, then obviously it was in my Highest Good to get our sweet little camper. Yay.

I decided to extend my experimentations to a broader scope. Our two sweet sons are still living at home, figuring out how to move out into the bigger world on their own. I used to think thoughts like "Maybe they'll never move out, or be on their own, or be independent." Look at how those thoughts just nosedive to the lower frequencies. I'm probably CREATING those circumstances by my thoughts, so I did a 180, and started visualizing my sons smiling and happy, living in their own apartments, surrounded by friends, going to their jobs and school, finding healthy, safe activities to participate in. Whenever I feel a negative thought creeping in, I replace it with one of those happy, loving thoughts. Well, my oldest son is moving out in two weeks, and is very happy, sweet, and excited about life. My stepson still lives with us, but I can sense a shift in him as I approach him with unconditional love and support, not entering into the old games or thought patterns. I'm convinced that if I keep this up love will prevail, and the most loving outcome is inevitable.

I was wrong; there IS a time and a place for manifesting physical things, but I still know that we're not in this alone, and there's a whole heck of a lot I don't know. I think we're a part of a bigger system that's coming to recognize itself as ONE, and all of us as just various parts of the WHOLE. So if you see me toodling down the highway in my beautiful Rialta, honk and wave. Apparently, the Secret's out, and I'm going to keep working with it, even if it HAS been around for a long, long time. It's good to be reminded of it.

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