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Thursday, June 7, 2007

MORE dreams?

You've got to be kidding. It was the night of dreaming. I woke up exhausted, like I'd been out running all night. The most intense dream was the first: Steve and I had bought a new home, and had moved everything in. Steve said, "It's supposed to mean something if one person has most of the stuff in the house." In "real" life, most of the stuff in our house IS my stuff. We started arguing, and I said to him, "It's your soul goal this lifetime to stand up to me." WHAT? Please, no, let me do what I want - don't stand up to me in "real" life, but upon awakening, I felt that this was an important dream, and probably pretty true to life. But it's not just standing up to me - it's standing up to his oldest son, and probably just standing up for his own life. What are his dreams? His goals? His passions? Is he living them? Heck, am I living them? Do we each take responsibility for our own lives, for our own happiness, or do we just drift along, waiting for our lives to happen? I'm not quite sure, but my feeling upon awakening was something like, "oh crap." Come to think of it, I can't even remember my other dreams, but I KNOW there were a lot of them.

If it's true that we just passed through a giant energy shift that catapulted most of us up into the upper energy realms, then this is our time for integrating and getting acclimated to our new surroundings. My hint is that everything that is still unresolved is coming up, and mine tend to be coming up through my dreams. So I'm just looking at the dreams as a teaching tool, not getting too bogged down in the details (except that one dream about Colin Firth - I want to remember THAT one in vivid detail - he was SUCH a good dancer).

And coincidences? They're everywhere - I can't even keep up. I'm reading about deeksha, the enlightenment by touch, and here comes today's Daily Om, all about deeksha. The most fascinating part about that whole concept for me is the definition of how our brains are affected by this energy. The parietal lobe is being shut down (the parietal is where we experience ourselves as separate from others), and our frontal lobes are being opened (the frontal lobes is where we experience ourselves as one with others). They call it "opening a hole in your mind for God to come through," and I think that's EXACTLY how I've been feeling. When my temples are splitting, and I feel a tight band around my forehead, and the top of my head is hot hot hot - I can FEEL those bones moving around, can't you? It's just been going on too long for me to even really think about the process of the moving around, but I'm still fascinated that this actually is happening - it's a miracle, and goes beyond any logical definition of what's possible.

I'm learning to sink back and just watch the fireworks in my body - fascinating to say the least. For now everything feels relatively calm today, except my ears were kind of feeling full again last night, along with a soreness in my neck that usually signals an influx of the energy through my system. But I think we're getting a breather right now, so I'm trying to take it kind of easy, resting up and lying on the hammock to watch Sam, our beautiful silver maple. I bought gardening gloves to start weeding our beautiful organic garden in the back, and we're heading off to the Cities for time with Kari. Beautiful beautiful times - I'm here, and I don't quite know where "here" is yet, because it's just like the old, but totally different, somehow. My whole heart area feels softer, deeper, and when I look at other people, I just want to hug them (well, mostly - you know what I mean). It's a good place, not perfect in terms of everything in its place all around me, but okay - everything's okay, and I know that no matter what happens tomorrow, everything will continue to be okay in my world.

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