Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

not as it appears

Everything is not as it appears. Well, the higher frequencies are real, because that's all there really is anymore, but the rest of this sludge and junk - yuck, is all I can say. I can feel it course through me, wanting release, as someone does something today that really pissed me off. I mean, I'm really angry, and I want to take the high road, so I've decided not to confront her, but gosh, I'm angry. It's so unfair, she's being junior highish, on and on, and I smile, and take a breath, and realize that it's all about the lower energies passing through, and probably using her to help me move through it all. SHE must really be feeling miserable if she's acting out.

If nothing low is real, then it becomes a little easier to weather this current energy that's moving through us right now. What energy is that? It doesn't swirl you, no, that would be easy to acclimate to, around and around. No, this energy swishes in from one direction, then whooshes from a completely different direction so you can't anticipate your next move. Why? So we can remain present and prepared for whatever comes our way. It's impossible to be prepared if you're always living in the future, planning on what you'll do "if." Most of the "ifs" never come to be - it's mostly futile. What's powerful? To just stay - neutral - without judgment - detached - in the present moment - with love and openness and gratitude.

So I sit here watching the cloudy sky and feeling the cold wind and plan on taking the rest of the evening to stay gentle and calm. I replace my crabby thoughts with loving thoughts of friends laughing and gathering, of hugs and good talks, of abundance and unconditional support. Now THAT'S real, I know. The rest of this stuff? Good-bye good-bye, there's no room for you anymore. On and on until 7.7.07 when the climax comes. What is it? Who knows? Nobody that I know of - I think it has to do with a big passing through into the higher frequencies where the lower stuff can't abide. So now's the swan dance of the lower frequencies - they know they're on the way out, and want to make a grand exit. So we watch and wait and clap when that curtain comes down, knowing that an exciting next act is coming right up (I wonder if there'll be time to go outside for a bottled water?) Hah.

I'm gathering friends, and so far have over 40 down for a big barbecue. There will be more parties - oh yes - have no fear - for now, these are families with kids who are Bill's age. The next one will probably be another Goddess Gathering - there are over 200 of them right now - now that's a lot of goddesses. I love friends, I love gathering, and I think it's a really important thing to focus on right now, in the midst of all the change. What can we count on? Each other, in an unconditional, accepting state - hey, none of us are perfect (as in no faults), but we're all perfect, as in, just the way we are. Can't we all just get along? I think so. I hope so. I pray so.

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