Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Friday, June 29, 2007

sweet Nicholas

4 summers ago my friend Paulette and I went out to Ashland Oregon for the Psychic Kid's Conference. While there we listened to a sweet little boy named Nicholas Tschene from Canada. Well, we didn't hear him speak because he's severely limited physically, in a wheelchair and able to communicate telepathically through his equally sweet mother, who had no previous dealings in this whole phenomenon. He writes beautiful poetry and stories, and I was so impressed with his presence. The conference ended, and we got to the airport around 5:30AM. Much to my surprise, Nicholas and his mom and dad were in the line next to us. I ran over there and told his mom how much I had enjoyed hearing them speak. Then I looked into Nicholas's eyes. I can't quite explain what happened, but everything fell away, and I felt some energy transfer. I know we talked about a lot of things between the two of us, but I can't remember anything. I just remember feeling like I could FEEL God's love through Nicholas's eyes. His mother looked at me and said, "Nicholas says you have beautiful eyes." I started crying, and could just nod.

When I got back to Fargo I sent Nicholas all of the children's books that I've written, and also some money to help with his extensive medical expenses. His mom called once, 3 summers ago, and we talked for over an hour. Over the years I've thought about him, and have gone to his website to look at what he's been up to. A few weeks ago, I really thought about him, and went onto his website to read some of his writings and connect a little. Well, last night I received an e-mail from his mom. She told me that a few weeks ago Nicholas kept waking up in the morning with a smile on his face. Finally she asked him why. He told her he'd been visiting me at night, and mentioned me by my full name. He said we had such fun, and he loved spending time with me because I was so much fun. She had more to tell me, but was going on vacation so would e-mail later.

I know all of that is possible, because I feel it - whenever I think about one of these kids (especially - the Psychic Kids are unbelievable in what they know and what they can do), they're right there in "front" of me to talk to, answer questions, figure things out. But somehow the fact that I think I actually "felt" Nicholas there with me, because I was led to go to his website after a couple years, well, that makes it all feel more real. It's not that I don't believe it's possible, because I really DO believe in miraculous things (see my blog on the Bill and the prize-winning trout), but it just tickles me to hear stories like this.

If you want to check out sweet Nicholas's website, it's www.friendsofnicholas.com. It all still humbles and flabbergasts me, this whole journey, and finding out what's possible. I'm still working on staying present, staying grateful, and letting everything petty or silly or low just drop. I send people who are hurting me love and support, so they'll feel it and be happier. I continue to take responsibility for my life, doing what I need to do, and saying what I need to say. It's not always easy, because I hate hurting people's feelings, and my feelings get hurt pretty easily, but when you can see things clearly, see the WHOLE picture, not just what presents itself down here, you see there's a lot more happening than meets the eye. That's what I'm interested in living in - the world that's BEYOND this limited physical experience. That is where the magic is, and Nicholas certainly inhabits that magical land.

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