Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Sunday, July 1, 2007


I'm a goal-oriented person - I like goals, they help me stay on track. So I decided to make up a list of goals for the summer (actually, my inspiration is dear friend Dr. Maggie Peterson, whose goal was to visit b&b's throughout North Dakota via her motorcycle). One of those goals was to reach the top of the climbing wall out at Y West. I'd made it up to the large mustard colored rock, about 10 feet from the top, but got a little too nervous. I wanted to climb for Mum, who now walks with the help of a walker. If I'm able, I want to be as physical as humanly possible, and the climbing wall presents a great physical challenge. My inspiration for the wall is my sweet 7 year old Billy Boy. He's a great climber - tenacious, dedicated, and very strong. I decided today was the day.

I got dressed in my blue sports top and black nylon short shorts (more about that later). I put on my running shoes (I'd already gone running for 45 minutes this morning - I know, but I'm really dedicated to this whole health thing), and we headed out. My palms started sweating, but I thought, "hey, I can do this." They put me on the corner rope. There was some discussion as to which was the easiest climb - the rope in the corner, or the one in the middle. I decided to try the corner. Jenny was my belayer, and she was very sweet and supportive - a real cheerleader - "You can do it - you're moving up so fast, with such long strides (hello - my legs are like 4000 feet long - I'd think I'd have long strides)." When I got to the top I rang that bell that hangs on the purple rope REALLY loudly - I'm sure they heard me in West Fargo, but I didn't care - I did it. I'd accomplished one of my summer goals, and it was easy. Really, it was. I liked it. A lot. So much that I tried my hand at climbing the other easy rope. That was even easier - I walked right up - I think Jenny was surprised. And I even got hurt - how cool is that? I bruised my left knee on a rock on the belay down, and got a big mysterious scratch on my left shoulder blade, probably from the rope somewhere along the way.

But I did it - I really did it, and I felt strong, and powerful, and capable, and well, just proud. So now what are my other goals to accomplish? Running 3 miles straight by the end of the summer, biking in Dorset, camping in Maplewood and Itasca, and learning how to work a kayak, oh, and learning how to use our new/old Rialta, Gitana. So, there you go - I'm TOTALLY energized, can't stop going. I slept like a log last night, and feel so great, from the inside out. If this is the leading to the climax of 7.7 next Saturday, then bring it on.

I'm going to meditate at 7:07AM next Saturday, with the intention of releasing all lower energies and making the commitment to live in the new always. I love meditating, anyway, but this one will be extra special. I think on 9.9.09 I'll have a group over here to the house for a mega-meditation in my backyard, but for now, these early morning meditations are best accomplished alone. Maybe Bill will be up to join me...

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