Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, September 29, 2008

fun times

Well, here it is - one of the statue pictures. How fun to have my whole family there, to share the moment. I went to Holly's party afterward, and had a grand time bonding with everyone. We made plans with Deb and Gabe for dinner, and Lisa Lee and Max for dinner - I hope Steve doesn't mind. We don't go out much, well, okay, NEVER, so it's time to start, right?

I had my yearly exam today, and told my doctor I wanted my annual tests run, but she said no - it's abusive to our health care system to call for unnecessary tests on healthy people. I told her, "Listen - I AM healthy - I exercise, I am a good weight, I eat well. I only come in here once a year for my exam and for the tests. I don't go to the hospital or clinic, I'm not on any prescription meds - I'M not the one costing the health care system - I PAY IN $7000 a year for insurance, and we don't come anywhere NEAR using that. So how am I abusing the system?" Well, she said, multiply people like you by the thousands, and there you have the problem - healthy people getting unnecessary tests. I'm still a little angry. Shouldn't I be allowed to have these preventative tests every year, if that's the only thing I do? But she caved a little, and is letting me get my blood sugar and cholesterol checked. I'll see if I can go somewhere else to get the total blood count, and thyroids, and any other tests I want. Do you think that's fair? Okay, I'm mildly ranting, so I'll calm down. My blood pressure was fabulous (despite this rant), and when I mentioned my hair was falling out - a lot - she said that grief and stress was the major cause of hair loss, so that makes me feel a lot better. It also made me feel a lot better to hear her tell me I'm healthy, and not to worry.

So I won't - I'll enjoy the rest of this morning before my Symphony board meeting - maybe go for a long, slow walk, or meditate some more. Although the sun is shining, it feels like a lazier day to me, but then lately, they've ALL seemed like lazy days, even if we ran around this whole weekend. As Scarlett O'Hara says, "Tomorrow is another day." And I want to express my sadness of the passing of Paul Newman - he was a great guy. That's the only part about this mortality stuff - it's finite. Fun times, fun times.

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