Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Thursday, September 18, 2008


The wiser the soul, Susie, the greater the simplicity.
In everything,
The Universe

Kind of simple today, huh, Susie?

That's the message from www.tut.com for today. Tut is Mike Dooley's website, and if you haven't seen it, it's really good (I think, anyway). He sends daily personalized messages for you, and usually they're dead on for relevance. Today is no exception for me, as I sit here sweating, having just cleaned out the whole basement and hauled up boxes and bags of garbage. No, it's not MY stuff, although I DO have a lot of er, 'stuff.' This is years old, put away, I'll never look at it again, kind of stuff. Feng shui? Sure - mentally I don't like the clutter, so it felt really good to just bite the bullet and DO it. Actually, I made a long list of that extra stuff I never seem to get to (like paying my bills!), to making my will. If I can just see it down on paper, it makes it a little easier to get to it.

My tooth hurt a little last night, but with a healthy dose of willow bark tincture, I slept well, and when I woke up this morning, it didn't hurt at all. Some people have asked me for a short list of what natural products I take, and for what, so I'll list them here now, but I want to be clear that this is through YEARS of trial and error, and just what works for ME. That's the key - everyone's different, but this is ALL gentle stuff, no side effects, no heavy duty supplementing or anything. Just so you know.

Susie's Short List of Important Stuff
zinc - when I feel under the weather a little - helps boost my immune system
Oscillo - I SWEAR by this stuff! Comes in a little white box, six vials - empty a vial of pellets under your tongue - they're sweet - excellent for whenever you're under the weather - has been used in Europe for over 20 years for flu symptoms
silver biotics - that's the brand name, not just the silver stuff - this is a spray, or tincture, that you put under your tongue when you don't feel well - the silver helps your cell walls stave off invaders
fish oil - I take this every day - great for heart, cholesterol, everything, really!
either B complex OR digestive enzymes with probiotics - I know this sounds like opposite things, but I switch off so I don't get too many supplements in me - the brand is from a chiropractor in Mandan, and the supplements are assimilated, to get more into your body - I LOVE THESE SUPPLEMENTS
willow bark tincture - anti-inflammatory - the base from which aspirin comes, but all natural - good for pain
Bioplasma - cell salts used for headaches - it really works!
Hyland's hay fever - this really kicks those sneezes - actually, I LOVE homeopathics because they don't have ANY side effects and don't interact dangerously with anything else
Hyland's Calms - for when I can't sleep (homeopathic)
Moondrops - for when I can't sleep (homeopathic)
Ignatia - for when I can't sleep (homeopathic) - are you beginning to see a trend? Since Mom died, I've been having trouble sleeping...
Garlic oil with white willow - EXCELLENT FOR EAR INFECTIONS - one day Bill started screaming (he never screams), because his ears hurt so badly. Not wanting to put him on antibiotics (which don't help ears infections OR sinus problems because of lack of blood flow to those areas), I tried the garlic oil. You heat the bottle up in a glass of warm water, then just drop three drops into each ear. Bill stopped crying immediately, and the pain was totally gone within a few hours. Magic! My friend Chitra says in India that's an old folk remedy.

If you want, I'll keep adding to it as I remember things. What I look for is good quality, natural, no side effects, homeopathic if possible, not too high of a dose (as in some supplements, but that's just me - some studies say we NEED megadoses, but I still think our bodies just need 'spanx support,' not a whole girdle!). I am willing to try things other people suggest but I always rely on my own intuition as to what makes sense to me and my body. I even ask my body what it thinks. To date, I haven't taken an over-the-counter or prescription med for over three years (and I'm grateful that I haven't needed to), and god willing, I intend to keep to that path. As we get older (okay, 48's not THAT old), our body's tend to need a little more nurturing and care and attention. That's why I'm also exercising, meditating, stretching and doing weights a lot more faithfully. I'm keeping my work load light, taking the time to enjoy life with friends and family, and making sure to get enough sleep and TRY to stay unstressed (issues issues!).

If you have any suggestions for alternative products, please e-mail me at seeker818@aol.com. I'd love to hear about it. So I'm off to shower off all of the dust, grime, and ancient particles from my personhood, then what? I don't know - it's only 10:24 and I've got the whole day. Ah..... loving it.

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