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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

outraged (kind of)

Sarah Palin and her family (on the left)

Sarah Palin has five children. Her ability to be an effective vice president has been called into question. I say, "what in the world could make you a BETTER leader than to have successfully raised 5 children? Now I'll get outraged. Does anybody EVER question a man's ability to be a good leader if he has children? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5? NO - because it DOESN'T MATTER - he's not the one that's supposed to be responsible for his children - the woman is. That's what it feels like to me. I suppose no one questioned Hillary because she only has one child, and an adult one at that. What IS this all about? Someone once told me that if I wasn't a feminist I wasn't doing the right thing. I tried to explain that I'm a humanist - I want what's best for ALL people, not just women, but seriously (or serially, as we say in our family), this really gets me riled up. I think it's ridiculous to criticize Sarah for her 17 year old's pregnancy (since when can mothers supervise their children 24/7, other than locking them up and following them everywhere they go - oh, and making sure there's no one there with them behind their locked door), I think it's mean to bring up her beauty pageant past. What kind of a person is she? I don't really know - she speaks in a little bit here, so I'm going to watch so I can make up my own mind, separate from what others are saying.

Someone sent me a picture of Sarah in a stars and stripes bikini with a gun in her hand. I think the send was a Democrat, but I didn't want to insult him, so I replied, "that looks like a lot of fun. I love doing target practice out in my backyard," and I thought later that I might've gently PSed. "Are you a Democrat?" I know he is, but that might make him a little more aware that I may not be the one to send insulting e-mails to (like the one of Bush holding the flag upside down at the Olympics - WHO CARES?). Sigh. If you're not going to say something that will help, don't just bash someone else, please. Don't just bitch (you say it like it's a bad thing) about somebody if you won't put your money where you mouth is and do something to make the world a better place.

One of Bill's classmates was in a horrible house explosion that hurt 18 people. Bill and I went through his toys and filled his old backpack full, along with some tennies and clothes. We filled a baggie full of pennies for the penny drive, and I wrote a check out to the Fargo Foundation for the families. We can all DO something, every day, whether it's something small or medium or large, or super-large, like running for President (and Vice-President). I respect all four of those people - they're doing something because they love America, they want to help. They don't get paid THAT much, and it ages everybody immensely, so I just want to say something to everybody right now, and that is "Be THANKFUL that there are people who are willing to run for President, who are willing to put in the hard work to do what they believe in, who are wanting to help make a better America." I don't care if you're a Republican or a Democrat or an Independent or a Libertarian or a Green Party or a whatever (whatever that is) - let's focus on the POSITIVE, of what we can do, and stop ripping down what others are doing (or can't do). It's just a thought, as I'm feeling a little frustrated and outraged at the stupidity of the thought that Sarah Palin can't do it because she has a lot of children. Seriously - give me a break. Having raised four children, I think I could run for Queen of the Universe with everything I've learned and can do - juggle all the schedules, responsibilities, jobs, negotiating and fight interventions, compromises. Oh, and working, oh, and being a wife, oh, and being a daughter to elderly parents. GIVE ME A BREAK - mothers rock, mothers are the best, mothers are the glue that holds everything in this world together, mothers are da domb. I love mothers. Sure, and fathers - but this is about mothers right now, and Sarah is a mother, so no matter what you believe in, can you see my point? Thank you for considering and listening and being open to thoughts. What do you think?

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