Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, September 15, 2008


Cool beans, for sure. I was asked to be a statue today. What? A statue for a concert at the Plains Art Museum the end of the month. They're going to wrap my body in bronze, and I get wheeled onstage, then I get to stand still (what? impossible, you say? Maybe...) As you can see from the original statue, I AM, in fact, that tall, but not quite as busty or slim. What a great opportunity, so thanks for asking, Holly - what a hoot!

With all of the changes in the world, I'm reminded once again of the necessity of "staying up" in the higher energy realms. It feels better. What do I mean "higher energy realms?" It's not some fancy blah blah term, but a simple fact - how do you feel when you're happy? Higher? How do you feel when you're scared? Lower? That's what I mean. Love makes you feel lifted, hatred brings you down. Something to think about. I called a colleague from Minneapolis yesterday - she'd been on my mind for a couple of weeks. She called me back, distraught with her current situation. What's going on, I asked her. My back hurts, my stomach has been awful, my head hurts, I can't sleep, I have anxiety... I started laughing. She didn't see what there was to laugh about, but I did. "I'm feeling the exact same things," I explained to her. We are joined at the hip, Vicky and I, we really are. I don't know why, or how, but every step of the way these past 5 years that I've known her, we have parallel "symptoms" and experiences, so chances are good that if I'm feeling something, so is she. Then we connect and talk about it all. I told her that I hadn't been to a doctor for any of it (she'd had a ton of tests done with several different doctors and found out - she's totally healthy! Go figure...), but had figured out that it was all part of this current process that is requiring us to REALLY let go of all of our previous, unhealthy patterns and thoughts and tendencies. For me (then also, maybe for HER) that included worry, fear, anger, control issues, overdoing it, taking on other people's energies. Fear is stored in the gut, back issues are burdens, head issues are thinking too much - makes sense now that you look at it that way, doesn't it?

So if we all take the time to STOP and take a few deep breaths, tune in to our sweet bodies and just hang with them, ask them what's going on, relax, chill, we might get our answers. We certainly aren't getting them from the tests and doctors, because they're not showing up on this physical level. Sure, we FEEL them in our physical bodies, but that's not where they originate. It's like there are layers of "us-es" piled on top of each other, and the stimulus comes in through that outermost layer, then keeps sinking deeper through "us" until it gets to our physical body. That's where we feel it, but it's really permeating ALL the levels and layers, so that's where we need to take care of it, not just on the physical level. For me, it's a matter of trust - do I trust this process? Wow - that's a difficult question sometimes - what if THIS time there REALLY is something "wrong" with me? Over and over again it's been proven to me that I'm 100% healthy, just working through this stuff. For Vicky and I, I saw that for the next 30 days, we're to connect "up there" and send each other some positive energy, so when I did that last night, I saw a beautiful rainbow energy coming out of me and traveling to her. I saw a beautiful gold energy coming out of her and traveling to me. Back and forth - I think we need those connections on those higher planes where there's no fear, or worry, or anything "low."

So we do what we can to help each other, and continue to walk forward as gracefully as possible. I know I stumble a lot, and drool and snivvel and complain and rant, but I know that I also KEEP walking forward, and in the end, that's the most important thing.

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