Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, September 8, 2008

what's going on energetically these days?

I thought I'd devote today's whole blog to seeing what's going on with everyone. A lot of head congestion, sore spots all over your head, heat on top of your head, sore neck, sore lower back, and achy joints (especially in the hip and knee area). Weird dreams that feel really real, but don't make much sense, an increased sense of synchronicity (you intend it or think it and BAM - it's right there - so, be careful what you wish for, you may get it seems to be the advice of the day), a growing sense of restlessness, and a continued need to declutter. While the summer (and indeed for the past two years) people have been pulling back into themselves and away from group activities, there seems to be a renewed desire to connect with others, but on a smaller scale, and ONLY with people who you resonate with. There's no more room or time for fluff and stuff, or people that do not "feed" your soul. There is an increased need to "find your passion," so people are switching jobs, homes, cities, relationships in the intense search for soul fulfillment.

There also seems to be an increased need to connect with our Higher Selves on a more personal level, and those who are moving in to help others become empowered are the most sought after. No longer are those "masters" who proclaim their expertise and knowingness sought, for they seek to TAKE power from others, and are fed mostly be ego, and there is a line that is set up; they are higher than someone else, who is higher than someone else, etc. This all represents the old, and the new looks something like this: "I am here to help you however I can. If there something I can say that can spark knowingness and recognition for you in your life, then feel free to take that into your life, make it yours, and use it to help you understand yourself and your life more fully. I do not have all the answers, I do not think I know more than you, I will not try to force you to do what I say. I only offer myself and my wisdom in whatever ways are most helpful to you," then that true Master lets go of outcome, does not desire affirmation or acknowledgment, but again, is only interested in the higher purpose of helping people find their own unique paths in their own unique ways. There is no longer any BEST way or TRUE way, other than every single person's way, so the language becomes subtly different, and if you stop, you can FEEL the old vs. the new, inside of you. The old lecture at you will make you feel stupid, small, behind, incompetent, and unable to make your own decisions, confused and cloudy. The new inspirations from the "real" Masters (but you won't hear THEM saying they're real Masters - they just do their work) will make you feel energized, powerful, capable, and infinite, intelligent, creative, and a creature of unlimited possibilities and potential.

There is no longer any class or instruction or specific product or discipline that is THEE best or THEE most powerful. And people are no longer satisfied to be talked down to - they just need support, not to be parented or belittled. This is exciting, because when people are empowered, they take responsibility for their lives and their actions, and they are then better able to make healthy and conscious decisions that then affect everyone around them in a positive way, and that IS good for everyone. The order of the day? Trust yourself, trust in your abilities to find your Truths and live them and speak them. Trust that everything is perfectly choreographed in every second of your day, and that there are no coincidences. Nothing is happening by chance. But also realize that YOUR timeline may not be God's timeline, and there seems to be only disappointment and frustration when you try to impose your human wishes upon the greater Plan that is in place for you.

Now I'm not saying that God is the man in charge and you're just a puppet doing everything, that you have no choice, but there IS the strong sense that we are all in this together, and that we are CO-creating our lives every moment, so we are NOT victims, we are NOT puppets; we just don't see the WHOLE picture. That is when we're called upon to trust. There is a different rhythm in the world today, and that is the rhythm of faith and trust - it's more like a swaying tango than a sprint to the finish line. The emphasis is on the beauty of the dance, not upon crossing the finish line first, or faster than the last time, or about beating a record. It is about the thing itself, about your one precious, beautiful, perfect life, and understanding the deepness of that, and of going within to understand and embrace your whole self.

We are being encouraged to take the time every day, throughout the day, to just sit, to be silent, and to just BE with ourselves. How beautiful is that - we're all AMAZING beings, if we take the time to get to know ourselves! We are being encouraged to explore our deepest desires and dreams and bring them out and dust them off and put them on our mantles as precious possessions to honor and appreciate and HAVE in plain view. They ARE us, they ARE our reality, and our birthrights, and there is no longer any time to just work work work on the external world, helping others, or doing our many important things. We need that sacred balance of Spirit in human form, whatever that means to you. Not just a machine, or a doing being, but simply an exquisite BE-ing.

We get frustrated because we feel things aren't turning out the way we think they should - our business isn't picking up. We switched jobs to follow our passion, but the customers aren't there. We're discouraged, we don't understand what's happening, and I say back, "Are you taking the time to be happy in your life? Are you laughing and having fun? Are you enjoying your life and doing what you want to do?" If you are, then chances are you might still feel frustrated about that other "stuff," but overall you will have a deep sense of peace and calm and bliss. You will FEEL deep, like you just go on and on and on (and you DO!). So for the time being, until this current time of alignment and integration and organization is complete, we could revel and be grateful for our "down time" to do those things we've been wanting to do for years - go on vacation, learn to belly dance, join a knitting club, learn Japanese. Take the time to get to know yourself as the best friend you will ever have, because you are! A renewed sense of connection with yourself, a new appreciation of yourself and your gifts, an amazement at your talents and your lovingness. It's all so so good, so during this fall transition time, trust, rest, believe, renew, and have fun!

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